Thursday, January 11, 2007

This is the End, the Beautiful End My Friend.

I'd like to take a moment to mourn the passing of a dear, special friend of mine called Winter Break. Oh what wonderful times we spent together. I'll never forget the morning when we slept in until 9:20 and woke up for Rachael Ray, or how you were always there for me to find time to go grocery shopping at a time when I didn't have to stand in mile long lines. At least we still have one precious week together, during which I can pay visits to my other dear friends and walk around without my shoulders rising to my head out of stress. So sad.

I ate a banana, fruit bar, and smoothie last night for dinner thinking I was being healthy and all day long today my stomach has been tied in knots. I don't think it's used to food that isn't deep fried or full of fat anymore. I'm sure it was all that fiber too.

As you can tell by the beginning of this post, I'm bracing myself for a long, agonizing semester. My schedule is pretty crazy. I just have to remind myself that it will all be worth it in the end. Kyle always tells me how lucky I am to have school stress instead of work stress. In my opinion, no stress is good stress, but I guess being able to have school stress is a nice break from the 7+ years of work stress I have under my belt.

Speaking of belts (best transition ever!), I was shopping at this cheapy fashion store recently and was thinking about how when I was in my early 20's I used to think I wouldn't be shopping at cheapy fashion stores in my 30's. Lo and behold, I still feel like $20 is too much to pay for a shirt and I refuse to buy shoes other than boots that cost more than $30 so that leaves my only options being the Everything $5 stores and other such inexpensive clothing outlets. But I was reading In Style and it said that if you are buying trendy stuff you really don't need to buy brand name. Who knew that I was in style all along?

I was out with some friends one night, and a few of the people I was with were text messaging all through dinner. This got me to start thinking about how technologically dependent we've become even in a social aspect. Being social used to mean going out and interacting face to face with people, but now with the advent of My Space, Facebook, Friendster,, cell phones, and Blackberries, such socialization is almost becoming obsolete. I just thought it was pretty ironic that here we were all hanging out together in person, and there was more interest in typing out messages on a phone than in having live conversations with those around us. I was also at a bar one time and one of the guys there had his laptop and was My Spacing the whole time. So interesting how we've evolved, or in my opinion, regressed in this sense. Really, I think I'm guilty of it myself. I have a lot harder time holding an interesting conversation with people than I do writing e-mails or blogging.

I know this post was random, but I had to get all of these thoughts out there since when school starts I might not have time to think of anything else!


BROB said...

Stress is stress, period. Sorry Kyle.
I can not think of any thing more rude than to be talking on the phone, Text messaging, or any thing else when you are out with one's friends.
Personally if my friends did this with me it would be a very short evening.

Laughing Fool said...

All stress sucks no doubt. I think my point was that the student lifestyle is so much better than the cubicle farmer lifestyle that I would take the school stress over the work stress.

Grandma is lucky she isn't from our generation or all of her evenings out would be short ones!

suzanna said...

you fashionista you. alas, back in the arms of a very possessive partner... look ahead to spring break, my dear.