Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What to Do, What to Do

  1. Get a pedicure. Gnarly toenails are unacceptable, even in cold weather.
  2. School work (what's new?)
  3. Finish traffic school online. Funny when you read about how you shouldn't drive when you are emotional, which is pretty much what I was doing when that cursed photo light caught me.
  4. Go on that bikini body diet I've been talking about for months (now that there are only about 2 months left until summer begins).
  5. Get a massage & plan a vacation. Relaxation time is key.
  6. Start writing in a journal again. Blogging is fun and all, but there are just some things not meant for public consumption.
  7. Blog more.
  8. Go to the gym (can't wait until I actually check this one off my list!).
  9. Buy Elliot Yamin CD. I was a Taylor Hicks fan but his CD kind of disappointed. I hear Elliot's is the bomb yo! (Sorry, temporarily possessed by the spirit of Randy Jackson)
  10. Buy more closed toe shoes (in case #1 is not realized).

1 comment:

suzanna said...

woman you've already got a bikini hot body! let me know when you are going shopping for shoes, though. :) i also want to pick your brain about your adventures down under - considering possibilities for this summer.