Tuesday, May 30, 2006


insularity - adj. narrow mindedness, isolated

So how do you like my new blog template? I think the dots are cute. I was getting tired of the plain grey. Why is grey/gray spelled two different ways? That's always confused me. Also, I think you can spell cancelation with one l or two. I've always been a stickler for spelling - probably harks all the way back to the hours of preparation I endured for my 3rd grade spelling bee. I ended up spelling "kindergarten" wrong (with a d instead of a t). But really, did placing 3rd in the spelling bee end up helping me to be a more successful career woman in the long run? I know people who can't spell for the life of them, but thanks to the modern day miracles of spell check they are making tons more money than I ever will.

Memorial Day weekend was the bomb dot com man! Kyle and I have been guilty of insularity within a 10 mile radius of our apartment ever since we moved to San Diego, so we are really clueless when it comes to all the fun things to do in San Diego. So this weekend I busted out my nerdy tourist book, the San Diegan, and we took advantage of the glorious weather and the fact that everyone and their mother was visiting San Diego for the long weekend, and we ended up traipsing around all over the county from downtown to Carlsbad, Old Town to Temecula. It was really fun! We got to see Jay and Cicely on Saturday AND Sunday, so they were probably so glad to get back to L.A. and get rid of us, but we wanted to spend as much time as possible with them considering they got ENGAGED!!! Yep, they made Kyle and I feel like big a-holes because we went to meet them at their hotel, and they totally didn't even tell us right away. After about 30 minutes, Cicely practically had to shove the ring in my face until I realized what was going on. You would think I would've caught on considering the fact that Jay had a big vase full of flowers with him and he was acting really funny. Anyway, I am so happy for them and can't wait to initiate them into the old married people club (but don't worry guys, I'll ALWAYS be older than you!).

Also got to hang out with Kristine. Kristine is so fun, always makes me smile when I get to see her. Found out that she reads the same reality show blogs as I do. I love how she is not afraid to confess her nerd like (aka Cheryl-like) tendencies to me. Although I probably just transmitted my nerd-itis on to her through repeat exposure.

Ahhh, I love 3-day weekends.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Reductus Brain Cells

I told Kyle this morning that I think I have some sort of mental disorder that causes me to forget entire conversations I have with people. Seriously, it's very scary, plus it makes it hard to be a good friend when you make plans that you never remember. My dad calls it CRS (Can't Remember Shit) when he refers to my mom, which is very un-PC considering her medical history, and I wouldn't even find it mildly amusing were it not for the fact that my mom herself thinks it is the most hilarious thing she's ever heard. That plus the fact that my dad CGS (Couldn't Give a Shit) about being PC. This, after all, is the man who not only leaves his cell phone on while watching a movie in a theater full of people, but he straight answers it and has a full on lengthy conversation with the person on the other end of the phone in his normal talking voice. Ah, dad, gotta love him!

I used to think I was a good listener, but now one of two things has happened. Either a) Somewhere in my old age and hermit like state I have lost my listening skills, or b) I'm just plain losing it. I almost prefer the latter since option a) makes me out to be a lazy person. Actually, more like a lazy friend. I know I'm lazy in many aspects given the fact that 99.99% of my life outside of work is spent watching TV on the recliner couch, but I've always taken some sort of pride in considering myself a good friend who is willing to go above and beyond for those I love.

So to my friends who are always patiently enduring my constant brain farts, I say thank you.

Oh, one thing I have not forgotten is my vocab words, but having to look up vocab words for every post is discouraging me from blogging when I feel like it, so I'll have to make it an occassional thing. I guess I am just a CRS riddled lazy ass.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Random Friday Thoughts

Can I just tell you how much I heart Rachael Ray? She is just so amazing with her user friendly recipes and effervescent personality. I know some people find her annoying, but the fact that she has probably made me a much better cook than I used to be is reason enough to make her good in my book 4 eva. I totally want her job too. I can't imagine anything better than getting paid to eat and travel.

Remember slam books? Those were so fun. I'm sure there is an online version somewhere. If anyone finds one, let me know.

I have a major dilemma next Wednesday. The American Idol finale vs. the Lost finale. I know I will have to watch Lost out of default because that's what Kyle will want to see on the big TV. Not that I'm complaining, but since we don't have Tivo or DVR and we don't know how to operate our VCR, I won't be able to see any of the AI finale. I probably won't even get to see the important part where they reveal who wins, since the Lost finale is supposed to be the best thing ever aired on TV, and I'm sure we'll be on the edge of our seats until the very last minute. Oh, what to do, what to do? Curse you ABC & Fox for putting me at such a crossroads!

You know how people say you should put thoughts of work in an imaginary "box" when you go home so your professional life doesn't intrude on your personal life? I am so not good at doing that. Lately work has even encroached into my dreams. One of our clients is a hotel downtown, and last night I dreamt I was staying there to do research on downtown. Oh, and I've been waking up at 2:30am like clockwork every night and having trouble going back to sleep. I really think I've got some anxiety issues going on. Somebody get me Dr. Phil's number!

I am so glad I am not in the dating world anymore, because I cannot stand cologne. There is only one kind that I actually sort of like, which I got a bottle of for Kyle, but even that cologne I can only take in small doses. Have you ever been in a room with someone who wears entirely too much cologne? The other week I was in a meeting with someone who positively reeked of the stank stuff, and I was sure that I was going to pass out at any moment. Luckily I escaped just in time. Seriously man, how can anyone pour that stuff on themselves and think themselves sexy to the opposite gender (or same gender, whatever the case may be)? That's why I just don't buy those Axe commercials. Sure it's a deodarant, not cologne, but I just prefer the smell of nothing to that of musk. Gag.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The CW

proclivity - n. inclination

Today I went to a station event where they were broadcasting the upfront presentation for the new CW network (WB/UPN network merge) in New York. Even though I work in a fairly laid back industry, there is still that business element to it that every now and then makes me feel completely out of place. Case in point, one of the network big wigs was talking about how they are trying to target the Adults 18-34 demographic (I'm still in the demographic, yay!). To introduce the new programming for this demo, the ads showcasing their primetime line up will feature a song by the Black Eyed Peas. Here's where it got interesting:

Stuffy Network Suit: "And now ladies and gentlemen, the Black Eyed Peas!"

Spattering of applause throughout the audience. Out comes Fergie in her signature jump suit and over the top gold glitter
eyeshadow. Apl d sporting his dreads and sunglasses inside. They start singing. Fergie strips off her sweatshirt to
reveal her tiny black sports bra. More singing. Silence from the audience.

I mean, how weird would it be to be this huge musical group, used to performing in front of hoards of adoring fans, and there you are gyrating and doing back flips in front of a stoic, expressionless audience? I have a natural proclivity towards that type of music, so I would have been completely excited to be there. But I had to hold back my excitement, since everyone around me watching the broadcast just didn't seem to get it. I felt awkward for the BEP even from way across the other side of the country.

The best part of the upfront was when Chris Rock came out and told everyone they should start spending money on the CW because the role of young Chris in "Everybody Hates Chris" is now going to be played by a white girl. He went on and on about how there are going to be plenty of white people on the network, even random ones that will pop up every now and then and just be like, "Hey, I'm white!". And he ended it by saying "Now you all better spend some motherfucking money!" Coming from Chris Rock in the middle of such a stuffy presentation...it was just priceless. Hilarious.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Red Lobster for the Sea World Lover in You

impecunious – adj., having little or no money

For Mother’s Day, Kyle and I went to Sea World with my mom and dad. Before we left, I sparingly lathered on some sun block over my body and face. Call me a bad wife, but I neglected to tell Kyle to do the same. I think I had thought about it, but then figured eh, he doesn’t usually like to put on sun block anyway. Our friend Craig who lives on a boat NEVER wears sunscreen, and inevitably at the end of a sunny day he looks like he is wearing full on makeup. I’m talking blush, lipstick, the whole nine yards.

So of course by the end of our trip to Sea World I had sunburn splotches randomly in areas where I did not cover, and Kyle had a lovely raccoon face burn. Seriously, for all the times in our lives when we get sunburn, do we never learn? I’m going out today to buy a tube of sunblock to carry in my purse. I call Kyle my lobster. I love that episode of “Friends”. “He’s her lobster!”

Well, I haven’t posted in a while so I’ve gathered up some random thoughts over the past week that I’ll bestow upon you now.

Cell Phone Calling

You know how you can tell when you call people on their cell phones if the call is going through or if their cell phone is off? If it’s off, you go straight to voice mail, but if it’s on and they just aren’t answering, it rings and rings. I know you’re there damnit! The only exception (I think) being when they don’t have reception. Lately I feel like I’m the person that calls but nobody wants to pick up. I called 5 people in a row recently and each time it rang until I went to voice mail. I started developing a complex about it. It seems like we’ve become a society that is becoming increasingly dependent on e-mail to keep in touch. The problem with e-mail is that, if you’re like me, messages tend to get buried in my in-box in between e-mails from travelocity telling me about the great deal on a European vacation that I'll never be able to afford and the paranoid chain letter e-mails about bad luck that I never forward. In between those e-mails somewhere is an actual message from a friend, and eventually I forget if I’ve responded to them or not. So I end up being that bad friend that doesn’t e-mail back. That must be why nobody takes my phone calls! I have to admit though, I've also become very reliant on corresponding with people via e-mail. I think I'm lacking in conversational skills as a result. I hardly ever call people just to talk now - I only have conversations to make plans. Anyway, kudos to the handful of you who always seem to pick up your phone when I call no matter what. To Kyle (you’d better!), Sarah, Jay, Angie, and MaryAnn – you make me feel special. :)

Eating Out

Lately Kyle and I have been trying to avoid becoming impecunious, so we’ve cut back dramatically on our eating out sessions. So now when we do eat out, I try to make the most of it and order something I’m really going to like. The problem with that is, now I’m also trying to eat healthier after last week’s drinking/greasy food binge. Last night we went to Baja Fresh. I ordered a mahi-mahi salad, but I didn’t realize that the dressing it comes with is an avocado pico dressing. I’m allergic to avocados. Not a develop a puffy face type and break out into hives allergic but the type of allergic that can cause you to go through 2 rolls of Charmin in one night. Maybe it’s not really an allergy, but whatever, that’s what I call it. Instead of using the dressing, I doused my salad with the spicy salsa they have. Not a good idea. It didn’t make it taste any better. The whole time we were eating I was staring at Kyle’s Chicken Ultimo Burrito with envy. I need to figure out where my line is between being able to enjoy good food but not gaining a million pounds to do so. It might be time to break out the Weight Watchers journal again.

I have more thoughts somewhere in my little brain, but it’s the middle of the day on a Wednesday and I’m getting too tired to pull them out. I’ll try writing more later.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Drinkin' the Blues Away

perspicacity - n. acuteness of discernment or perception

Ohhh, what a painful loss. We were so so close, only to see the Lakers fade away into a crushing defeat by the Suns. Saturday night was rough. I couldn't even bring myself to talk about it until today.

Good thing we took Justin downtown to watch the game and go bar hopping. I think I would have just shut myself up in my room and cried all night long otherwise. It was the first time I actually got to explore downtown San Diego practically since I moved here. Funny, I used to go all the time when I lived in OC/L.A., but that was back when I was still a young buck. Now it takes me days to get over a full night of drinking.

A rundown of our stops:

5:30-7:30: The Whiskey Girl. The sad part is that we had an awesome table right in front of the big screen TV, so there was no way to not see the Lakers missing what seemed like every one of their baskets. I know, I know, I need to get over it! The bar was pretty cool - definitely a great place to watch sports since they had a gazillion TVs everywhere.

7:30-8:30: The Field. I loved this pub! I totally felt like I had been transported to Ireland. Justin described it as being very "real", to which I replied, "yeah, like Disneyland!". Cuz Disneyland is oh so real. I think the Disneyland comparison came more from the fact that it was kind of dim and cool, sort of Pirates of the Caribbean-esque. The food was nice and greasy, just how I like it.

8:45-9:15: Dick's Last Resort. I had always wanted to see what this place was like. It looks huge from the outside. For some reason we had to walk around in circles for a while before we found it. Once we got there, we were harrassed and yelled at as soon as we walked in by this girl selling Miller Lite and Bud at a booth at the front entrance. No thank you! I am just not a Miller/Bud kind of girl. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but if I'm gonna pay 5 bucks for a beer it better be an Amstel Lite. The crowd was...um, interesting to say the least. It was fun if you like having everything from straws and napkins thrown at you from all directions.

9:15-9:20: Tivoli's. Very young, college kiddy type of place. Basically I went in, took a tinkle, and then we decided we were over it already. It didn't seem awful, but it just wasn't the type of place for an old lady like me. I refuse to hang out with a crowd of people who were born mostly in the 80's - the mid-80's no less! Yes, I am an ageist! Really, I just think when I'm drinking that I don't want to be thinking about how most of these kids probably don't even remember the Cosby Show.

On the way to the next place we ran into a guy named Keith who was displaced here from New Orleans. He had lost his home and seen the devastation of Hurricane Katrina firsthand. We talked about that and the Lakers. Needless to say, that was a pretty sobering encounter and helped me to see that a Lakers loss is definitely not the worst thing to happen in the world.

9:20-10: Dussinni's. This was our last stop. Total high end business professional kind of place. Surprisingly not too expensive. By this time I was fading out, so I only had about 1/4 of my beer.

Thanks to Kyle for being a responsible DD and maintaining his perspicacity! Overall it was a fun night, but I feel pretty gross still from all the fattening food and gallons of beer I consumed. I'm glad we don't get out of town visitors too often or else I'd be one big mama.

Lakers 2007 baby! (I had to throw that one in for good measure)

Friday, May 05, 2006

So sad

maladroit - adj. tactless, clumsy

Boo, what a difference a week makes. I thought by this time I'd be celebrating the glorious victory of the Lakers and an exciting L.A. Clippers/Lakers series, but now it's looking verrry iffy for my boys. The saddest part is that I saw some statistic saying that 96% of teams that go 3-1 in a series eventually go on to win. I really really hope the Lakers don't fall into that 4% category. I can't take the suspense!

I've been lagging on the posts this week. Work's been somewhat busy, and I've actually had things to do after work. Monday we went to see the John Butler Trio and Wednesday we saw Animal Liberation Orchestra. Both performances were on a Hornblower cruise ship, so it was fun to be able to enjoy the music while cruising around the San Diego Bay. Both were really amazing too! Kyle and I were dorky ALO groupies and went to talk to the band afterwards. I was pretty wasted at that point, so I don't even know what I was saying to the guitar player, Dan. When I play it back in my mind it goes something like this:

ME: So, where did you guys all meet?
DAN: We went to UC Santa Barbara together.
ME: That's cool, is that how you know Jack Johnson?
DAN: Yeah.
ME: Do you all live close to each other?
DAN: Well some of us live in San Francisco, one guy lives in Seattle.

But here's how it probably really went:

DAN: Uh, thanks. (Looks around quickly for an escape route)
DAN: Umm, Northern California, around that area. (Mentally taking note of my physical description to i.d. me as potential suspect for crazy stalker incidents).
DAN: Great....

I'm sure I came across as a maladroit drunkard. So yeah, Kyle and I are going to see them again June 3rd at the Belly Up. I highly recommend you check out their music at www.alomusic.com. They're also playing tonight at the Temple Bar in Santa Monica for you L.A. peeps. If you go, tell Dan that Kyle and crazy Cheryl sent you. Yeah, that's not stalkerish sounding at all...

OH YEAH, I found out that Costco sells something just like the Magic Mic for only $200! I guess that ruins my plan to import Magic Mic's from the Philippines and start a Magic Mic store. Oh well, for everyone who wanted to get one, now you know where to go. I guess Kyle and I will be less popular too since we won't be the only ones with a Magic Mic pretty soon - hee hee.

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! Justin will be in town this weekend, so we should be doing more exciting things than our usual sit in front of the TV weekends.