Sunday, September 24, 2006

Computer Illiterate

For some reason it has taken me this long to figure out how to post pictures on my blog, but I think I've finally realized how to do it. You'd think that "image" icon on the top of the post would have tipped me off - duh. Hope this works.

For my first pictures, here's me and Kyle on our wedding day (July 17th, 2004).

Here we are one year later on our first anniversary in Hawaii.

And here we are on our 2-year anniversary this year - first picture was when we celebrated a few days before the actual day at Bali Hai (the restaurant, not the vacation spot) with mom and dad, second is when our broke selves stayed at home to celebrate. A big change from celebrating in Hawaii, but still just as special!

Okay, I'm supposed to be writing a paper right now but I'm doing what I do best - PROCRASTINATING. I'm outties 5000.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Trying to Digest

I fear something is wrong with my digestive system. Not in a way that I need to go to the doctor or anything, but it just feels a little off. It probably has something to do with the fact that since I started grad school my diet has been totally inconsistent. One day it's Greek food for lunch and then big globs of pasta for dinner, the next it's cereal for breakfast, Starbucks coffee for lunch, then a sandwich and pita chips for dinner (today). Ugh, how unhealthy is that?! Part of the problem I'm discovering is that since I have class at night and sometimes go to campus all day beforehand, it's hard to find things you can bring from home that won't go bad during the day. Anyways, you guys all know how important food is to me so I'm finding this to be a really difficult conundrum for me.

The other thing I'm trying to digest is all this knowledge I'm learning from my classes. The other day we talked about whether thought must be preceded by language or if it can occur even without it. At some point I just want to throw up my hands and say beats the heck out of me! It is really interesting though. Some people argued that babies have thoughts, but the professor countered by saying thoughts of hunger are actually reflexes. The basis of all of this is the theory of social constructionism in post-modern thought, which argues that we construct our own realities through our interactions with other people and there is no such thing as one objective truth. Although I am religious and believe God to be an objective truth, the concept of having free will to me is in line with social constructionism, and I can see how our own constructs have a lot to do with how we perceive reality.

Tonight in my multi-cultural class we talked about white culture. It's interesting how the whole concept of white culture can be thought of as so taboo, but it is a culture nonetheless. The article we read in relation to white culture spoke a lot about white privelege and its existence in our society. As the wife of a white male, I know that I indirectly benefit from white privelege. I also know what it is like to be on the other end of it. I think it is easy for a lot of people to dismiss the notion that there is underlying favoritism towards white people in our society because it is a hard thing to swallow, but I give a lot of credit to those who are able to openly acknowledge it. As assimilated as I am, there have been a lot of times in my life when I have wondered if I would be liked more or get paid more if I were just a part of the white culture.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Busy Bee

Grad school has had me busy like nothing else so I'm feeling like I have less time to spend thinking of interesting things to blog about. Unless you find syllabi and shopping for school supplies at Staples interesting then you probably don't want to hear about my life right now. So I have a little bit of time before I have to leave for my hair appointment and just thought I'd drop in.

Not to make school sound as uninteresting as it really is. This week I had my first experience actually working at a school and it was such a change from my usual desk job in advertising. I'm really excited about the multi cultural class I'm taking as well. One of our assignments is to immerse ourselves into a culture that is different from our own via attending a gathering, going to a church service, and generally just spending time with a person of another culture. This is something I have actually always wanted to do in life but never had a really good reason to do it until now. Just seeing how different people live their lives is fascinating to me.

Justin is in town this weekend so I have a feeling I won't get a whole lot of school work done. He is one of those people that always has to be out and about doing something, which I don't mind, but it's hard squeezing in entertaining with the millions of other things on my plate. It's all a balancing act man, but totally worth it to spend time with friends who are visiting.

Okay, I'm even boring myself right now. Guess I just had to chronicle the recent happenings in my life.