Monday, January 29, 2007

My Friend the Editing Queen

My friend Suzanna has started to read my blog, which I am very happy about (hi Suzanna!). However, this puts me into an interesting conundrum, as she is the master editor in our cohort and I am known to be guilty of the occassional typo or two. In fact, I just re-read a few of my last entries and found a few, but had to resist the temptation of going back to fix them (eh-too much work). For now, I will just have to beg her forgiveness for the misspellings until one day, probably when I am procrastinating on some assignment, I go back and fix all of my corrections. You know how they say owls can spot a tiny rat from miles away? Well they ain't got nothin' on Suzanna and typos! Hehe, one of the many things I admire about her. :)

My schedule is in full effect right now. Just got back from a class where one of my ongoing assignments is to counsel myself. Good times! Talk about an awkward conversation. Would it be cheating if I just wrote out a script in advance and then read it into the tape recorder that the instructor will be listening to? At the very least, I can work on my acting skills.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

This is the End, the Beautiful End My Friend.

I'd like to take a moment to mourn the passing of a dear, special friend of mine called Winter Break. Oh what wonderful times we spent together. I'll never forget the morning when we slept in until 9:20 and woke up for Rachael Ray, or how you were always there for me to find time to go grocery shopping at a time when I didn't have to stand in mile long lines. At least we still have one precious week together, during which I can pay visits to my other dear friends and walk around without my shoulders rising to my head out of stress. So sad.

I ate a banana, fruit bar, and smoothie last night for dinner thinking I was being healthy and all day long today my stomach has been tied in knots. I don't think it's used to food that isn't deep fried or full of fat anymore. I'm sure it was all that fiber too.

As you can tell by the beginning of this post, I'm bracing myself for a long, agonizing semester. My schedule is pretty crazy. I just have to remind myself that it will all be worth it in the end. Kyle always tells me how lucky I am to have school stress instead of work stress. In my opinion, no stress is good stress, but I guess being able to have school stress is a nice break from the 7+ years of work stress I have under my belt.

Speaking of belts (best transition ever!), I was shopping at this cheapy fashion store recently and was thinking about how when I was in my early 20's I used to think I wouldn't be shopping at cheapy fashion stores in my 30's. Lo and behold, I still feel like $20 is too much to pay for a shirt and I refuse to buy shoes other than boots that cost more than $30 so that leaves my only options being the Everything $5 stores and other such inexpensive clothing outlets. But I was reading In Style and it said that if you are buying trendy stuff you really don't need to buy brand name. Who knew that I was in style all along?

I was out with some friends one night, and a few of the people I was with were text messaging all through dinner. This got me to start thinking about how technologically dependent we've become even in a social aspect. Being social used to mean going out and interacting face to face with people, but now with the advent of My Space, Facebook, Friendster,, cell phones, and Blackberries, such socialization is almost becoming obsolete. I just thought it was pretty ironic that here we were all hanging out together in person, and there was more interest in typing out messages on a phone than in having live conversations with those around us. I was also at a bar one time and one of the guys there had his laptop and was My Spacing the whole time. So interesting how we've evolved, or in my opinion, regressed in this sense. Really, I think I'm guilty of it myself. I have a lot harder time holding an interesting conversation with people than I do writing e-mails or blogging.

I know this post was random, but I had to get all of these thoughts out there since when school starts I might not have time to think of anything else!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Like Butta

This is funny:

Cheryl --

Similar to butter in texture and appearance

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Not sure how I feel about that. Actually, I'm just not sure what it really means. Anyone care to offer their interpretation?

Kyle's rocks:

Kyle --

Like in nature to a banana peel

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

My banana peel husband.

Cheryl Goes Boom!

I forgot to tell you guys about how I managed to fall on the pavement right in the middle of downtown on New Years. I wasn't even drunk either! Somehow I manage to consistently fall and hurt myself for no apparant reason. There was the time I twisted my ankle just walking down a hill by the Mesa Court dorms at UC Irvine. Then I fell right in front of the oh-so-trendy Chateau Marmont on Sunset Blvd with a group of snobby onlookers as witnesses while my friend just ran ahead out of embarrassment to be seen with me. Needless to say she isn't my friend anymore (not for that reason alone though).

But I'm okay, just a scraped up hand and knee and a bruised ego to boot. Actually, I've started to get so used to it that I don't even get very embarrassed anymore. How sad is that? Kyle thinks it's weird that everytime we walk together I try to hang onto his arm, but really if it wasn't for doing that I might be dead by now.

New Years was good times. We went to The Field for some hearty Irish fare and tasty libations. For some reason though, when midnight struck, our night turned into a series of ill-fated events straight out of a poorly written Will Ferrel movie. I won't delve into the sordid details, but the capper was that we had a crazy cab driver who got so mad at us for changing our minds about where we wanted to get dropped off that he almost stranded us in the middle of the 163 freeway. He literally stopped at an exit and threatened to drop us off so that we could walk our ways back to downtown while dodging drunk drivers going 80+ miles per hour. While our New Years Eve celebration before our crazy adventures was fun and all, it just reminded me and Kyle of why most of the time during New Years, we just make it a Blockbuster night.

I'm going to reserve my spot on the couch for Decmeber 31st 2007 right now.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I am an Aunt (Part II)!

equanimity: n., mental or emotional stability or composure, esp. under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium.

I am officially, legitimately an aunt with a little nephew with five fingers and toes. Now, I may be a little biased, but I think he is the cutest thing ever!

Although I've been on break for a while now, with the birth of Marcus, the various odd jobs I've been taking on, and a lovely visit from Mary Ann and her friend Ros, little time has been afforded for me to blog. However, I have thought of many things I've been wanting to blog about, 99% of which escape me at this moment. I swear that with my advanced age I am losing more and more of my memory. This seems to irk many people since I forget important details about friend's lives, from the kind of car they drive to the country they live in (really, that happened once!). Does this make me a bad friend? Well, in my mind, I don't care about them any less than I used to, but I am trying to make a concerted effort to pay better attention.
Back to Marcus - he is really healthy, active, and alert. He's already got the pressure on him to be really smart, because all of the family seems to agree that he seems to be paying attention to everything around him, even though they say he can't see past a few inches at such a young age.
Maybe I should take some lessons from him on how to pay attention. You would think my mom would take a break from pressuring me to have kids now that she finally has the grandchild she has always wanted, but now it seems like the pressure is on even more since she wants a granddaughter to complete the set and seems intent on me and Kyle providing one to her ASAP. I've just resorted myself to the fact that no matter how many times I explain to her that I have to wait until I'm done with school her persistence will never wane.
The other day we were over at Cathee and Mike's house just staring at Marcus, and he started getting fussy and flailing his arms about.
Dad: "He's looking for his thumb to suck on."
Me: "As long as he doesn't suck it until he's five years old, like I did."
Mom: "That's why you're so calm all the time, because you used to pacifiy yourself when you were young so you don't get upset easily."
Now, I've always been told that I have a certain quality of equanimity about me, but never really thought about that as one of the reasons. It makes sense to me though. So maybe sucking your thumb will cause you to need braces later in life, but at least you'll be a conent person, right?
Today is supposed to be my first official day of relaxation during my vacation. Actually, it was supposed to be yesterday but some last minute stuff had to be taken care of, and I spent the day running around as usual. Today I've been doing pretty good on the relaxation front:
9:20AM - Wake up
9:20-10:00AM - Watch Rachael Ray
10:00AM-10:45AM - Watch The View and read Barack Obama's new book during commerical breaks
10:45AM-11:15AM - Check e-mail, fantasy celebrity scores, etc.
11:15AM-11:50AM - Blog
Hopefully I'll eventually get around to taking a shower. Me = gross.