Monday, November 27, 2006


Welcome back from Thanksgiving break y'all.

What I'm thankful for:

1. That I'm #1 in my celebrity fantasy league - go Britney! And thanks to Heidi Klum for FINALLY having her baby.
2. More babies on the way - my nephew Marcus and Joyce's little girl due shortly thereafter.
3. Going to Joyce's baby shower in the same house where we used to study for classes in the 7th grade and seeing all of her Filipino family rockin' out on the Magic Mic.
4. Being done with my final presentation in one of my classes - only three more classes to go!
5. That after eating about five Thanksgiving dinners I was somehow miraculously able to squeeze into the jeans I bought last week with the Macy's gift card I got for my birthday (thanks again Grandma Bobbie!).
6. Eating five Thanksgiving dinners.
7. My new cute pink Razr phone that really looks more purple to me in certain lights. One step closer to being just like my idol, Paris Hilton (puke)!
8. Swearing off alcohol the morning after a night of binge drinking. Then breaking said promise later the same day.
9. Seeing how happy mom and dad were to spend time with Kyle and I at Pechanga, even though it didn't quite turn out to be the romantic vacation we were hoping for.
10. Patient husbands who endure their quirky wives and families, all with a smile on their face.

What a lucky girl I am.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Do the Shuffle

I'm working on another major paper right now and listening to my iPod shuffle for inspiration. I've decided that I am the epitome of random. One minute I was jamming to a profanity laced Dr. Dre track, the next I've transitioned into the swinging sounds of Michael Buble. Now it's on Jack Johnson. Do you think my eclectic taste in music is a sign of indecisiveness? Nah, I'm not indecisive. Or maybe I am??

My newest obsession is my Celebrity Fantasy League. Now that Kyle has Fantasy Football, I had to have my girl version. I did good picking Britney right after the breakup, but whoever has Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is going to be doing laps around me this weekend! My only hope is that Heidi Klum will have her baby soon...I don't understand what it is with most of the females I know being fascinated with celebrity lives but it just seems to be the norm these days.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

You Say It's Your Birthday!

Happy birthday to me! Haha, feels weird to wish myself a happy b-day but I think I really wanted an excuse to post this funny picture:

Should be an exciting day waiting for the electrician to show up and going to back to back classes tonight from 4p-9:40p. Yay!

My sweet sweet husband sent me a nice birthday e-mail so that certainly makes it all worthwhile. :) Oh yeah, and Pam from The Office accepted my friend request so I'm excited about that too. Love The Office!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Kiss Me Mint

I bought this new Colgate toothpaste the other day. The flavor was called "Kiss Me Mint". I'm not sure why I insist on trying different flavors every time I buy a new tube of toothpaste when 9x out of 10 I hate the new flavor. There was definitely a reason behind why I got this one though.

Kyle: "Did you buy this toothpaste because it's purple?"
Me: "It just looked so pretty..."

I have an unnatural obsession with purple. Anyway, turns out the toothpaste tastes like a combination between Koolaid (Kyle's take) and Laffy Taffy (mine). So if you like the feeling of a mouthful of foamy candy in your mouth you should get it. If not, stick with the regular mint flavors. I find blue and green are safe colors when it comes to toothpaste.

Lesson of the Day: Aesthetics are not necessarily a direct reflection of taste.

Haha, I just googled "Colgate - Kiss Me Mint" and someone is selling an 8-pack on e-bay. Really? Who buys their toothpaste on ebay?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

My Life as a Celebrity

Somehow I find it hard to envision Laura Linney playing me in a movie version of my life. Who is Kim Smith anyway?

Noooo - Not Mr. Eko!

I am sadly in mourning over the loss of my favorite "Lost" character, Mr. Eko. This now means that all of the tailies (except for that one dude married to Rose) have either died or disappeared. Whatever happened to that one chick who disappeared in the jungle anyway? Even though I thought last night's episode of "Lost" was the best one by far this season, I am still devastated that we won't have Mr. Eko to look forward to anymore. And it is no consolation that they have added in that random chick and guy to try to compensate for their dwindling character base. Who the heck are they anyway? So not interesting to me. Their presence just feels so forced. Blah. I feel like one of the things I like most about this show is it's diversity but now they've gotta go and kill all the people of color. I just like to see more representation of different ethnicities in media. I know, call me crazy.

R.I.P. Eko.