Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Back to School Preparations

Did Kevin from Kevin & Bean get a divorce? I'm listening to the stream from this morning and they were talking about how Kevin isn't happy that Miami won the NBA finals (boo!). Bean said it was just because Shaq was in the Lakers during Kevin's divorce, so he has bad associations with the big guy. Kevin insists it's because he just can't stand the idea of Shaq being happy that he has gotten back at the Lakers. I'm kind of on board with Kevin myself. Then again, I don't think I am ever happy if anyone other than the Lakers wins.

So school starts for me in a few weeks. Seeing as how it has been almost 10 years since I last attended a class, I imagine things have changed quite a bit. Will I look like a dork the first day of class when I show up with notebook and pencil in hand while everyone else busts out their state of the art laptops? Do I bring a backpack to class, or am I supposed to have moved on to a sophisticated leather briefcase as a grad student? I remember when all I had to worry about when it came to back to school was buying new clothes. Now I have to do the opposite and try my hardest NOT to buy new clothes since I will be one broke ass student. At least now I've grown up enough to know that while that free t-shirt with the Mastercard logo splattered across it is utterly cool and will probably show up in the latest issue of In Style magazine, it is not worth an eternity of credit card bills.

I guess there are good and bad things about going back to school. I'll probably have a better idea of what those things are once I actually start. Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy Faces

feckless - adj. worthless; weak; ineffective

So yesterday I was listening to the John Tesh radio evening show (an unfortunate side effect of my newfound love for Celine Dion type music). John was actually talking about an interesting study that was just conducted on the effectiveness of writing requests to people on post-it notes. Apparantly, the study proved that people are much more likely to fulfill requests that are written to them on a post-it note because it feels more personal. The likelihood of the request being filled increases even more when a happy face is written on the post-it, as it appeals to people's good nature. I've decided now that I'm going to carry post-it notes around in my purse, to be handed out in appropriate situations such as the following:

When I run into Katie Holmes (since it happens quite often of course):
"Please come to your senses and get out of that Cruiseazy situation you are in, fake baby and all. :)"

To the rude restaurant hostess:
"Please do not look down at me just because you control the seating in this fine establishment. Being unpleasant is not going to get your promoted to waitress any faster. :)"

At the grocery store:
"Please position your cart so it is not blocking the entire aisle, causing a traffic jam while you look for just the right salad dressing with the perfect number of calories and fat content. :)"

At family parties:
"Please stop asking me when we are going to have kids. :)" (I'll just have to wear this one, since I'd run out of post-it notes in no time if I had to give one to every person who asks)

To the Passive Agressives:
"Be straightforward! If you think you are better than me just say so, you are entitled to your opinion. :)"

And finally, for Kyle's dentist:
"You suck. :)" - All right, I know that isn't a request, but really a post-it note or anything for that matter would probably be feckless against the extortionists in the dental industry (not including my friend Chris of course)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


aspersion - n., slander

Thanks to those of you who expressed concern after my bitching posts yesterday. After my yoga session today, I feel much much better. Sometimes you just need to center yourself and just breathe. I highly recommend yoga for anyone who needs to just relax. If I am lucky enough to be an expectant mother someday, I already know I will want to take maternity yoga (is that what it's called?). Just knowing how to breathe can make such a difference. Do I sound granola or what?

Anyway, hopefully nobody accuses me of aspersion from yesterday's post. I tried keeping names anonymous, etc. out of respect. If anyone wants to start a blog and write about any of my inappropriate behavior in it, be my guest!

This week is a pretty busy one for me. I have something to do every single night. Very unusual. Kyle's sister, Jenny, is in town with her friend. I'm looking forward to some girl time tonight. Normally I would take them somewhere for dinner, but seeing as how I will soon be a starving student it's a nice home cooked meal instead. Wednesday & Thursday I have work related activities, then Friday I'll be hanging out with Sarah helping her prepare for little Wyatt's first birthday party on Saturday. Congratulations to Wyatt for taking his first steps yesterday!

Oh yeah, the other thing that cheered me up is listening to ALO's CD. Just hearing it gives me warm fuzzies inside.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ranting Continued

Is it better to be an overly confident asshole or a humble person who sincerely cares about other people? I think society tells us to try to be the former rather than the latter. Not that I think confidence and caring cannot occur simultaneously, but sometimes I just think that those who pretend they are the be all and end all are revered in this world. Does it matter that their entire self worth is based on how much better they consider themselves to be than everyone else? I may not be the world's most confident person, but for the most part I derive happiness in the fact that I consider my finest quality to be my capacity for compassion rather than my ability to bullshit my way into or out of any situation.

I'd like to say at 30 I'm an entirely self assured person, but that would be an untruth. What I can say about myself is that I care a lot about my family, my friends, and humankind in general. I am happy with the intelligence level I possess. Even though this post is on the judge-y side, I try my hardest not to constantly critique and judge everyone around me. I'd say I've done a decent job at being an accepting person overall. The major exception to my acceptance is when I feel like someone is not willing to be accepting of me. Sure, I know I shouldn't apply "rules" to my acceptance level, but for some reason or other I can't help but feel like people who don't accept me don't necessarily earn my 100% acceptance in return. I'm working on being more open minded in that regard. Perhaps it's something that will evolve over time. Hey, nobody's perfect, least of all me.

I promised myself that I was going to try to make my blog a place where I could be more positive overall, but you know, I guess I can't pretend to be positive all the time. Sometimes you need a bad day to get your thoughts cleared. There's always tomorrow...

Passive Agressive or Overly Sensitive?

You know what drives me crazy? When people try to get all passive agressive on your ass. I don't know if I'm being overly sensitive or what (entirely possible), but it just seems to me that I have recently been over-exposed to passive agressive behavior indirectly targeted at me. Why do people feel the need to sneakily attempt to make you feel like crap? The worst part is that passive agressive behavior by it's very nature is a way for someone to hide their insults to you in a way that doesn't SEEM like they are insulting you, so they inevitably cannot be proven to be the bad guy, and if you try to approach them about it they make you seem like you are crazy. I don't know, if anyone is out there reading this, please tell me if you think the below comments are passive agressive insults (names of the accused passive agressivers, heretofore known as PA's, are being withheld out of respect in case comments have been misinterpreted by overly sensitive blogger):

Scenario #1: Discussing a new home purchase of a relative of PA.

PA: As soon as I saw this home I knew it was perfect for him/her. It is just so beautiful!
Me: Yeah, I love it! The kitchen is awesome, and it is the perfect set up for him/her.
PA: tell me again, are you still RENTING (change in intonation at the mention of RENTING).
Me: Oh, yeah (mumbling something about going back to school, can't afford to buy, etc.)

Scenario #2: Discussing pregnancy of PA.

PA: I'm growing out of my clothes, so do you think I could borrow some of your old clothes to use as maternity wear?
Me: I don't think it's very nice to ask someone to use their clothes as maternity wear.
PA: Well, if I was a size 8 and someone else I knew was a size 2, I wouldn't mind it if they asked me for their clothes.
Me: Oh. (I'm not a size 8)

It's really hard to convey this type of behavior if you aren't actually there, but it could also be the result of me feeling sensitive about things like money or my weight. Particularly since I just found out I have a medical condition that makes it difficult for me to break down certain types of food in my body, so my weight can fluctuate quite a bit if I'm not careful. Anyway, Kyle thinks I'm crazy half the time because I think about these things too much. Good thing I have a blog to vent on.

Sorry to be Negative Nelly today, it's been a particularly rough day. I'll try to post happy thoughts again soon.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Taking the Plunge Part Two!

intransigent - adj., uncompromising

Well folks, it's official. I gave my notice yesterday and am now on my way to a new career in school counseling. It's kind of surreal to think that I will no longer be a part of the crazy world of advertising. Oh advertising, parting is such sweet sorrow. No longer will I have the pleasure of taking advantage of fun perks like concert tickets and American Idol tapings, nor will I likely ever be taken to a free dinner at Morton's or the Ivy or Spago. Poor me, I will have to pay for my own meals from hereon forward. What I won't miss: last minute changes, crazy hours (more so in L.A. than here), unreasonable clients (who shall remain nameless).

Every job has it's disadvantages. I am by no means going into this new career thinking that everything will be perfect. But I am excited to be working at something that I am really passionate about. Every kid in this world deserves to have the same chances in life as the next child. If I can help level the playing field as a school counselor, I will be overjoyed. I can never understand people who think they are fundamentally better than other people just by being born. Really, that's what racism, sexism, classism, and pretty much any other ism you can think of is about. We all have this need to feel like we are better than other people. I'm not saying I'm completely innocent of it myself, but I am at my happiest when I am not trying to impress other people, and I'm just happy with being me.

"Perfect" is such a relative term anyway. What's perfect to one person is not necessarily perfect to the next. If we are all striving towards this one idea of "perfection" just so we can feel like people look at us and say, "Wow, that person is perfect in every way", well, I've got news for you honey. No matter who you are or what you do, there is going to be somebody out there that will talk shit about you. One of the most accurate cliches is "You can't please all the people all of the time." I used to want to do that, and I practically drove myself crazy doing so. Now I am just happy if my family and friends can accept me for who I am, because I certainly try to accept and love them in an intransigent, unconditional way.

Anyway, sorry to get on my pedestal just now. I've had a lot on my mind and needed to get a little out. I am really excited to go back to school though. Starting over at 30 won't be easy, but I'm going to do my best. Luckily I've got the world's greatest husband to help me through. :)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The San Diego Reader

agog - adj. eager, excited

Now that we've come to the end of new primetime programming, I've taken up reading to pass the time. Nothing too heavy, I must ease back into it seeing as how it's been a good couple of months since I've picked up a book. Kyle is a voracious reader. He burns through about 100 books a month. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it seems like he is always reading several different books at one time. I, on the otherhand, am agog if I read one book in a month. There was one girl I used to work with who said she hasn't read a book in something crazy, like 5 years. Reading is a sadly underutilized and overlooked form of entertainment in our society. Even when I don't like a book, I enjoy passing the time just reading. Case in point, the book I am reading right now was very kindly loaned to me from an acquaintance. It's a fluffy chick book, which normally I am all about, but for some reason this book just doesn't do it for me. The characters aren't too likeable, the plot is kind of all over the place, but you know what? I still read it just to find out what happens in the end. I'm trying to pick out the good things in it instead of focusing on the bad. I'm the eternal reading optimist, hoping that somehow the ending will redeem the entire week I have invested into this so-so story. After all, the opportunity cost for reading this novel equates to some juicy Laguna Beach repeats so it better be worth it!