Friday, September 08, 2006

Busy Bee

Grad school has had me busy like nothing else so I'm feeling like I have less time to spend thinking of interesting things to blog about. Unless you find syllabi and shopping for school supplies at Staples interesting then you probably don't want to hear about my life right now. So I have a little bit of time before I have to leave for my hair appointment and just thought I'd drop in.

Not to make school sound as uninteresting as it really is. This week I had my first experience actually working at a school and it was such a change from my usual desk job in advertising. I'm really excited about the multi cultural class I'm taking as well. One of our assignments is to immerse ourselves into a culture that is different from our own via attending a gathering, going to a church service, and generally just spending time with a person of another culture. This is something I have actually always wanted to do in life but never had a really good reason to do it until now. Just seeing how different people live their lives is fascinating to me.

Justin is in town this weekend so I have a feeling I won't get a whole lot of school work done. He is one of those people that always has to be out and about doing something, which I don't mind, but it's hard squeezing in entertaining with the millions of other things on my plate. It's all a balancing act man, but totally worth it to spend time with friends who are visiting.

Okay, I'm even boring myself right now. Guess I just had to chronicle the recent happenings in my life.


BROB said...

Glad to know what is going on with you. I miss your blogs.

Laughing Fool said...

Long time know blog wifey!

Laughing Fool said...

Long time know blog wifey!