Thursday, March 08, 2007

Nice Girl

I wrote this post last week but have been waiting to post it because I can't get my darn scanner to work properly. Oh well, here it is, excuse the shoddy quality of the below pics due to an ill functioning piece of crap scanner:

I think I have blogger's remorse. Every time I think to blog I start making a mental list of all the things I should be doing, like studying, getting sleep, spending more time with Kyle, etc. Then when I finally do go to blog I feel like I have to apologize for it or something. I think it may be the Catholic in me. What can I say, guilt is a powerful thing. Perhaps this is the real reason why I have been so remiss in my entries.

So I heard a funny conversation the other day on the radio as I was driving to school listening to the hits of the 80's, 90's and today. I think it's funny when people who are so out of the loop try to get back in the loop and then end up totally not getting what being in the loop really is about. I know this is vague...let me explain. This kind of dorky sounding DJ dude was talking about how he just started getting into reading blogs, and he discovered the word, "meh". He defined it as a "verbal shrug", and even had a theory as to where the word derived from - I think he said some word in Yiddish or something. So he proceeds to end his segment by saying, "The next time someone says something to you that you are ambivalent about, just say 'meh'." Now I could totally be the one out of the loop here, but in my estimation there are certain things that you write in the blogosphere that you totally wouldn't say in real life, "Meh" being one of those things. It's okay to say "Eh" (which is really where I think it came from), but would a real live person ever really say "Meh"? Maybe if they listened to this radio show they might. But that would be like saying "LOL!" after someone told you a joke, or ummm, now I can't come up with anymore examples, but you know what I mean. Just don't say "meh" around me so I don't feel dumb for spending 10 minutes writing about it, okay? I just think blogosphere lingo should be it's own language meant only to be written and not spoken out loud. Hmm, I wonder what one would call it? Bloglish? Bloginese (sounds too much like bolognese)? Blogalog? Yeah, I like that one.

Speaking of reading blogs, the other day I was perusing a blog I frequent fairly regularly and the blogger was talking about how she wouldn't want to be friends with someone who is known as "nice". Which got me to thinking about how on a few occassions lately I've been told how "nice" I am. But honestly, when people tell me that, sometimes I just feel like a huge fraud. I mean I try to treat people well and all, but I think I do have those judgmental tendencies that are maybe just inherent in all of us. I am trying to make a conscious effort to tone down the judgmentalness, but it sho' is hard. I guess I can say I'm pretty optimistic, to the point where sometimes I even disgust myself, but I wonder if optimism and niceness necessarily go hand in hand. Nice just sounds so boring sometimes. Although I do think I would take pride in being tolerant by understanding that not everyone thinks the same way as I do, and trying to see the positive about people rather than the negative.

You know what IS nice of me? The fact that I am going to bestow upon you the menu for Board & Brew, my very favorite sandwich place in all of San Diego. My friends and I used to drive all the way down to L.A. just for a tasty morsel of Board & Brew sandwiches with their oh so delicioso sweet and sour sauce. The other day I was looking for their menu online and when I couldn't find it I thought I would post it on my blog as a service to the minions of sweet and sour sauce loving foodies out there. I present to you...dadadaDA...the Board & Brew Menu:

You can thank me one day by buying me a Turkey Deluxe with extra sweet & sour sauce on the side. I am now going to google "Board & Brew Menu" to see if my blog comes up and yes, I do know that is nerdy of me, and no, I don't so much care. I've learned to take ownership of my nerdiness after all these years.


Cherann said...

You're a fraud? Perhaps I should get you drunk on a couple bottles of wine and find out what you REALLY think of everybody.

For me, I think its better to be honest in front of me rather than behind my back. It separates the fake friends from the real ones.

You should blog more often. I like your blogs.

chersdyls said...

I don't really think I'm THAT judgmental, but I do have opinions of people that are not always positive. I am definitely honest with you and don't fake it so don't worry, I'm not talking smack about you behind your back. I don't like fake people either. I'm not that nice to people who bug me. I promise to tell you all my thoughts about everything if you follow through with your promise of bottles of wine. He he...

Anonymous said...

Jaysus! Thank god for you! I wanted to look at Board & Brew's menu (wanted to call in for pick up) and yours was the only one I found! Thanks a million!

Anonymous said...

HUGE thanks for this menu!! How can they not have a website????

Anonymous said...

Email Marketing
very handy, thanx a lot for tihs artcile -- This was exactly what I was looking for.