Friday, April 13, 2007


Apparantly I've been tagged to fill out a meme. Before today I didn't even know what a meme is so if this post actually even goes through it will be a miracle. I guess I didn't realize before getting into blogging how technically literate I would have to be.

Three things that scare me

  2. Being judged (goes into #1)
  3. The idea of anyone other than my beloved husband who loves me unconditionally seeing me first thing in the morning when I wake up.

Three people who make me laugh

1. I Love Cheese
2. Dave Chapelle
3. Me (hence the blog name)

Three things I love

1. I have to go with Cherann on this one - my family

2. The Office

"Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject, so you know you are getting the best possible information." - Michael Scott
3. Food

    Three things I hate

  1. When people think they are better than others
  2. Inconsiderateness
  3. Being hungry

Three things I don’t understand

1. How anyone could not love food

2. How on earth leggings ever made a comeback

3. Intolerance

    Three things on my desk

  1. A stack of papers taller than me
  2. A video game case for World of Warcraft (Kyle's doing, not mine. Not that WoW isn't cool or anything, I'm just sayin'.)
  3. More paper
If Kyle hadn't just cleaned it I'm sure there would be a million water bottles on my desk too (my doing, not Kyle's).

    Three things I want to do before I die

  1. Be serenaded by John Legend (only a song Kyle, nothing more of course!)
  2. Meet Barack Obama (Obama in '08!)
3. Be a mommy.

    Three things I can do

  1. Cook a 30-minute meal
  2. Trick my husband into getting into bad reality TV shows (The Search for the Next Pussycat Doll, The Hills, etc.)
  3. Laugh a lot

  4. Three things I can’t do

1. Pretend I know something that I don't

2. Motivate myself to work out
3. Swim

Three things I think you should listen to

  1. The good things people say about you
  2. John Legend's "Get Lifted"
  3. Yourself

    Three things you should never listen to
I try to be pretty open minded so I can't think of anything you shouldn't listen to. Of course, that doesn't mean you have to do everything that anyone says. I'll have to come back to you on that one.

    Three things I’d like to learn (but won’t)

  1. How to be completely non-judgmental
  2. How to stop thinking about what everyone else is thinking
  3. How Anna Nicole Smith could be so blind as to what a sleazoid Howard K. Stern is

    Three shows I watched as a kid

1. The Guys Next Door

2. The Monkees (yes, I was boy band crazed even at a young age)

3. Saved by the Bell

Now for the very special part….Tag, you’re it! You're turn to tell me three things. Have fun!

I Love Cheese

Thanks for the tag Cherann!

1 comment:

Cherann said...

Dude! I love leggings. They never left my legs man. I've worn them since the 80s.
What was the Guys Next Door? sounds familiar.

You would make an AWESOME mom :-) and I'm not sure why you're afraid of public speaking. You had a great speech on my wedding day. Unlike my drunk one at yours.