Friday, August 03, 2007

And They Lived Happily Ever After

I went to Vons yesterday and as I was walking out I noticed a table full of used books that was placed in the entry way to the store. Out of curiosity, I stopped to see what it was for. Apparantly Vons is accepting donations of used books and asking customers to buy them for $1 in order to raise money for the Muscular Distrophy Foundation. Being the good Samaritan that I am, I perused the book selection to see if there was anything remotely of interest that I might want to purchase. Let me tell you, after browsing through stacks of books, I realize now that there is a lot of c-r-a-p out there in terms of books that have been written. I mean, really? How many cheesey romance novels gracing the face of Fabio can the world handle? I think my 7 month old nephew can write better stuff than what there is out there! Not that I'm the most well-read person, but come on, even I have standards when it comes to books.

But I shouldn't judge. If "A Restless Knight" is your idea of a good read, then stop by your local Vons today!

I suppose if I really were a good Samaratin I would have bought some of those books just out of good will, but I think I'd prefer to donate the money and get nothing in return.


suzanna said...

on the other hand, my first ever book club meeting yesterday reminded me that there are way too many potentially good books out there, too.

lil jay said...

Amen to that Suzanna. I was about to say the same thing...though I would probably keep away from the romance and erotica :)

miss ya cheryl!