Thursday, August 02, 2007

Friends...How Many Others Have Them?

It's been waaay, waay too long.

If not for Suzanna prodding me on to post my lazy ass might never have done so. I've just been enjoying my summer break too much after a full year of school madness. What have I been doing you ask? Well, I can tell you that a lot of nothing certainly seems to take up a good amount of time.

I was reading Jenna Fischer's (Pam from The Office) myspace blog and it inspired me to blog. She just got nominated for an Emmy and this is what she wrote:

"Man…I am so excited. I just can't tell you what this means to me. Not because it is an award or something like that. But because it feels like it is for our gal Pam. She's a shy girl who doesn't get recognized very often you know. It's like…that shot from the episode with the Art Show where Pam is standing in front of her display waiting for the first visitor to come by…that just sums it all up for me. So, I guess I feel it in that part of me that is Pam. The part that still gets excited to show my art and hopes people are responding to it. It's like…Hey, people showed up to my art show!" (Retrieved from on August 1st, 2007)

If you haven't seen the episode I highly recommend you check it out. In fact, I highly recommend watching each and every episode of The Office because I heart it so much. Anyway, I really connected with what she said because I think in a lot of ways I relate to Pam. I kind of feel like that girl who would put on an art show and hope that people would show up, because I think I would do the same for them. But then maybe nobody would show up. I guess this blog is like my art show, and the people who I know truly are my friends come in and check it out because they really care about what matters to me. So thanks Kyle, Suzanna, Cherann, and anyone else who is out there that finds me interesting enough to check up on me every now and then.

I know this sounds like a depressing blog, but really I've been doing fine lately. I've just been contemplating the fact that I have an unhealthy way of romanticizing friendships. I've always wanted to have friends a' la "Friends", "St. Elmo's Fire", "Saved by the Bell", and "How I Met Your Mother" style, where you just see them all the time and can go and drop by their place without having to make big plans whenever you feel like it. I think other people actually do have those friendships, but I think I tend to get lost in the crowd so I'm the kind of person people just want to hang out with one on one style. I don't know what it is. I know I should stop wishing for things that can't be changed, but I think I just crave that socialization aspect so much for whatever reason. It's like a weird sickness. But maybe when I have kids and don't have time for just hanging out I won't think about it so much.

The best part of that Office episode was in the end when Michael showed up and told Pam how proud he was of her. I cried like a baby when that happened. As much as Michael can be such an idiot, you can tell how much his character really cares.

All right, sorry for the introspective, semi-depressing blog. I'll try to be more upbeat and interesting next time around.


Cherann said...

I think we had those kinds of friendships in High School. Isn't that why we were called the Get Along Gang?
It's hard unless your friends live across the way from you (like in Friends) to see each other EVERY day.

I actually admire the bar from Cheers. I guess because I'm a boozer.

suzanna said...

hey, how come i didn't get an email when you blogged, eh??? good thing i didn't trust you and kept checking, anyway. :) i'll come to your art show!

i miss college for that go hang out in anyone's room for hours on end stuff. it happens a lot less, now. i usually prefer people one on one doing nothing in particular (though beer and wine makes everything nice), so though i am just one, you are welcome to drop by anytime.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.