Sunday, October 29, 2006

Be My Baby

ubiquitous - adj. being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent

It's late, I should be joining Kyle in the land of slumberhood but thought I'd post a quick post now that I've just finished my homework. Here are some pics from my sister's baby shower yesterday:

My arm looks all crooked in that first shot because I'm trying to avoid the ubiquitous arm fat shot. Yeah, you ladies know what I'm talking about. And those of you who don't...I hate you. How cool is that car seat made out of playdough creation? Some people are just artistically talented. Don't Robbie and Kyle look excited? I'm not so sure the invention of the co-ed baby shower was such a great idea. I have a feeling most dudes were perfectly happy to not be invited to baby showers for years.

Tomorrow I'm going to be pregnant...pregnant Britney Spears that is. For a Halloween party. I'm doing Britney on Dateline. Denim shorts, smeared mascara, and chipped nails - the whole deal. Because of course, usually my nails are in perfect condition. Right. Just look back at all my old pictures - you won't see an ounce of arm fat or a chipped nail in any of them!

I spent the night at my cousin Cindy's house on Friday to help her with the decorations. She does the most awesome balloons and candy favors. Anyway, we hit up the new H&M in Pasadena. Can I just say I was in hog heaven? Oh how long I have awaited the arrival of an H&M within driving distance. I was wishing they would open one up in San Diego, but after practicing restraint and still managing to spend more than I could afford when I was there, I've decided I can wait a few years until there is an H&M within immediate shopping range. We went to dinner at Mi Piace afterwards, cracked open a bottle of wine and spent some quality bonding girl time together. I haven't had girls night out in a while and I sure needed it.

All right, time for me to retire. G'night all.


BROB said...

I went to a Co-ed baby shower recently seems to be the thing to do. Your GB must be getting really old H&M?

lil jay said...

I'm kinda "ehhh" now that they're on the west coast...takes away from it's unique-ness, don't you think?