Monday, December 11, 2006

Tis the Season

I only have time to blog when I'm working on papers, although technically it's not really that I have the time it's just that I'm sitting at the computer trying as hard as I can to not work on my papers. I actually only have one more to go, which you would think would be major motivation for me to just sit my ass down and finish the darn thing already, but alas, such is not the case. I am happy to have almost survived a whole semester however - only four more to go!

By the way, if any of you are reading this and do not have my new cell phone number send me an e-mail. I text messaged everyone in my phone with the new digits but it seems that not everyone got it, probably because I'm from the stone age and don't have expertise in the area of text messaging. Seriously, I was text messaging back and forth with this guy Andy from my cohort about class and it would take me something like 20 minutes to write one sentence. I hear that text messaging is becoming a problem at some middle and high schools because students know how to do it without looking so they can send messages really discreetly. Without looking! As it is I am probably already ruining my already legally blind eyesight by squinting and putting the phone right up to my face when I'm trying to text message.

You know what I hate? When people get mad at you for not knowing something they know and try to treat you like an idiot because of it. Case in point, I was voluntereing at Barnes & Noble the other day doing a giftwrapping fundraiser and I asked the manager if he wouldn't mind if I posted a sign on one of the racks. He snaps back with, "Yes I would mind, you can only put posters on the table!" in a very rude and annoyed tone. Well dude, why do you think I was asking?! I understand he was probably busy and all, but there is no need to be condescending to someone who just asked me a simple question. I'm a customer too you know. In fact, I spent almost 100 bucks there that day. Who knew volunteering could be so expensive?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that we use the same template except mine is dark and yours is light. You think it's subliminal? Or does it just represent the fact that you're a lighter shade of brown? Things that make you go hmmm... that's how old school I am--i'm using a saying from way back when Arsenio Hall was around. I'M OLD