Monday, November 27, 2006


Welcome back from Thanksgiving break y'all.

What I'm thankful for:

1. That I'm #1 in my celebrity fantasy league - go Britney! And thanks to Heidi Klum for FINALLY having her baby.
2. More babies on the way - my nephew Marcus and Joyce's little girl due shortly thereafter.
3. Going to Joyce's baby shower in the same house where we used to study for classes in the 7th grade and seeing all of her Filipino family rockin' out on the Magic Mic.
4. Being done with my final presentation in one of my classes - only three more classes to go!
5. That after eating about five Thanksgiving dinners I was somehow miraculously able to squeeze into the jeans I bought last week with the Macy's gift card I got for my birthday (thanks again Grandma Bobbie!).
6. Eating five Thanksgiving dinners.
7. My new cute pink Razr phone that really looks more purple to me in certain lights. One step closer to being just like my idol, Paris Hilton (puke)!
8. Swearing off alcohol the morning after a night of binge drinking. Then breaking said promise later the same day.
9. Seeing how happy mom and dad were to spend time with Kyle and I at Pechanga, even though it didn't quite turn out to be the romantic vacation we were hoping for.
10. Patient husbands who endure their quirky wives and families, all with a smile on their face.

What a lucky girl I am.


Laughing Fool said...

Long Time No Blog Peanut.

Anonymous said...

Cheryl, did you and kyle change your cell numbers?