Monday, June 11, 2007

Sweet Child O' Mine

You know those morphing machines they have at Dave N' Busters where you take a picture with your significant other and out spits an image of what your child is supposed to look like? Most of the ones I've seen produce children of mutant-like qualities, so hopefully they aren't very accurate. I've always been curious to see what it would look like if Kyle and I tried it out, but I've never been willing to pony up the small fortune needed in order to get a picture that I'll likely throw away 5 seconds later. Instead I prefer to spend my money on playing games like skee ball and Tetris that will earn me tickets to buy junk in the form of stuffed animals and rubber balls that I will throw away 5 seconds later.

Imagine my utter horror when I found out what our child could possibly looked like as Kyle and I were watching So You Think You Can Dance and he turned to me and said, "That guy is what our kid could look like." "That guy" being this guy:

Okay, so he doesn't look so bad in this picture but on the show he just seems really weird, and coming from me, the queen of weird, that says a lot. I am worried for our future child because my mom is convinced that since Kyle and I will be having a bi-racial child, he/she will be the most amazing looking child ever to walk the planet. I once knew a girl in college who was herself a product of a bi-racial coupling and she said that in her opinion, bi-racial children are either really good looking or really strange looking. I realize that the idea of bi-racial children being beautiful is one big stereotype, but I can't argue too much since my bi-racial godchildren, the offspring of Cherann, are gorgeous themselves. I have this fear that since there is already high expectations for our child's looks, if he/she is anything less than perfect than they will be shunned. Totally irrational, I know.

What do you think? Does

= ?

I would prefer having children that look like this:
or this:

No pressure indeed.
Side note: I have to say that good advertising really does work, as I am obsessed with finding out what the ending of Hostel II is since the commercial says it is an ending that will be talked about by everyone or something to that effect, but I am too much of a wuss to even google it because I hate scary/gory movies and I am afraid of actually seeing an image of what is underneath that bag. But if anyone out there goes to see it or finds out, please satisfy my curiosity for me and let me know what the heck happens in the end!


Laughing Fool said...


Cherann said...

Thanks for saying how good looking my kids are. I'm sure you'll pop out a vanessa minillo or brandon lee. No doubt.

What would really be neat is if your kids get colored eyes.