Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Bloggers Block

So I figure I ought to post before I lose the two readers I have right now. Even though I'm officially on summer vacation and should theoretically have much more time to blog than I did before, I'm discovering that a) I'm going through major bloggers block and b) I really don't have as much time as I thought I would. I envisioned spending my summer getting caught up on my life and those of my friends, possibly reading a good book or two, and relaxing at the beach. Instead it has been a whirlwind of dirty diapers (babysitting Marcus), constant e-mailing to catch up with the odd jobs I've been doing, and various family gatherings (birthdays, graduations, etc.). Not that I should be complaining or anything, as it's a welcome change from the continual stresses of grad school.

I guess I've been feeling pretty un-original lately, hence I have not had much of interest that I felt warranted the space that I would take up in the bloggerverse. I have, however, been perusing others' blogs in my spare time. For example, two of my friends were in a debate about whether or not Kelly Kapowski actually sang the song "Blue Moon" in a talent show, so in an attempt to settle their disagreement I tried googling it since everyone knows that anything that shows up in writing on the internet is a tried and true fact. All of a sudden, a bazillion blog entries about Saved by the Bell popped up and I was in blogger heaven. I mean, who knew that so many other people shared a sick fascination for bad 90's television that I thought made me so unique? Anyway, there are some really good bloggers out there. In fact, I don't think I've met a blog that I haven't liked so far. I guess that's what makes it so easy to waste away hours on mindless google searches.

I do have to say that I saw the movie "Knocked Up" and it was hilarious. Kyle and I were talking about what a good job it does of portraying both the male and the female point of view in relationships. The most classic scene was where this husband (played by Paul Rudd of "Clueless", "Friends", and a more obscure role in "Romeo + Juliet" with Claire Daines & Leonardo DiCaprio) and his wife (played by an actress whose name I don't know but I think she played Adam Sandler's ex-girlfriend in "Big Daddy") were arguing about something he had done, and he frustratedly tells her, "Just tell me what you want me to do!". To which she so eloquently replied, "I don't want to tell you what to do, I want you to do it because you want to do it because you love me, not because I tell you to do it!" Yes, I have used that line on more than a few occassions, and I'd be willing to bet the farm that more than a few women residing in the world of marital bliss have too.


Cherann said...

Guilty, as charged!

Yeah, I thought saved by the bell was horrible, yet I too was fascinated. Albeit not as fascinated as you were by it.

lil jay said...

horrible? what's horrible about hot sundae? he he he.

Miss you guys..I'm hopin to come down and visit soon

suzanna said...

he was just trying to use the seven principles formaking marriage work!

so, did kelly kapowski really sing it or not?