Monday, June 18, 2007

Sims Socialization

Sad news, our poor son was the first guy to get kicked off of So You Think You Can Dance. Tragic. He is dealing with the news well, all things considered. Hehe.

Kyle and I were out having dinner with some friends the other day when I totally put my foot in my mouth and committed one of my usual social faux pas. Our friends were really nice about it, but it got me to thinking about the video game, The Sims. Random segueway, but stick with me here, it'll all come back around eventually. Unlike my beloved husband, I am not much of a gamer, but at one point a few years ago I became obsessed with The Sims. For those of you not familiar with it, it is basically a video game about life with you as the main character. The only real "objective" is to get to the highest rank in your career if you so desire, but the real fun of the game is just tooling around and doing day to day activities like cooking, eating, taking out the trash, and socializing. It doesn't sound that fun when I describe it, but trust me, it gets very addicting. I don't know why, I can barely bring myself to cook and take out the trash in real life but when it comes to doing it in the virtual world I could spend hours on end doing it. The part of the game that always fascinated me was the socializing aspect. You get points for every person you socialize with and the game tells you on a scale of 1 to 100 how much that person likes/doesn't like you. The best part is that whenever you interact with that person, these positive or negative signs pop up above their head to tell you whether your relationship with that person is improving or deteriorating. For months when I would play that game I would find myself in real life social situations, imagining the positive or negative signs above a person's head.

"Hey Jane, I like your dress!" POSITIVE.

"Hey Joe, wanna go grab a drink for happy hour?"
"Actually Cheryl, don't you remember I gave up drinking after I got that DUI?" NEGATIVE.

The problem with real life is that more times than not I think people tend to hide how they are really feeling about you, so no matter how hard I try to see the positive or negative signs above someone's head sometimes they just refuse to let you in. So I think the lesson for myself here is to stop trying to figure out what they are thinking or feeling. In contrast, I think of myself as someone who wears my heart on my sleeve, and often it takes a lot for someone to illicit a negative out of me and not very much for the positives.

"Hi Cheryl." POSITIVE
"How's it going?" POSITIVE POSITIVE
"Want to grab a cup of coffee with me and go shopping?" POSITIVE x 1 million

Anyone who takes the coffee and shopping route is on the fast track to 100 points in my book!


Laughing Fool said...

Who is Joe and why are you asking him out for drinks!

Just kidding funny post.

lil jay said...

HA HA HA, nice!

Dude, I used to LOVE playing the sims...I think me and chris played that game for like 5 hours one night, just us two, watching what was goin on.

Dude, time you're in LA, we'll go there!