Monday, November 06, 2006

Kiss Me Mint

I bought this new Colgate toothpaste the other day. The flavor was called "Kiss Me Mint". I'm not sure why I insist on trying different flavors every time I buy a new tube of toothpaste when 9x out of 10 I hate the new flavor. There was definitely a reason behind why I got this one though.

Kyle: "Did you buy this toothpaste because it's purple?"
Me: "It just looked so pretty..."

I have an unnatural obsession with purple. Anyway, turns out the toothpaste tastes like a combination between Koolaid (Kyle's take) and Laffy Taffy (mine). So if you like the feeling of a mouthful of foamy candy in your mouth you should get it. If not, stick with the regular mint flavors. I find blue and green are safe colors when it comes to toothpaste.

Lesson of the Day: Aesthetics are not necessarily a direct reflection of taste.

Haha, I just googled "Colgate - Kiss Me Mint" and someone is selling an 8-pack on e-bay. Really? Who buys their toothpaste on ebay?

1 comment:

Laughing Fool said...

Maybe you should let me pick the toothpaste going forward.