Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ode to Craig(slist)

Dear Craig,

I really enjoy checking out your list every day. I don't know what it is, but sometimes I just can't stop thinking about all the amazing things you have to offer. I know it is wrong for me to think about any man other than Kyle's anything, but when you can find a home, a job, a partner, furniture, a pet, and a free giant cactus all in one place - I mean, what more could a person ask for?

The one good thing about having to move is that I actually have a reason to look at your website. Usually I just maniacally click on it throughout the day without rhyme or reason. I'm obsessed with finding out what the latest is in the world of craigslist san diego. Maybe you should slap a restraining order on me or something. But the thing is, even if I'm in jail, I will find you. Mmmwwahahaha.

By the way, did that guy who saw the cute girl wearing a UCSD sweatshirt buy a slurpee and drive away in a Black Volkswagon Jetta at the 7-11 on Gold Coast & Camino Ruiz ever hook up with his missed connection?

With Love and Devotion,


Laughing Fool said...

I would be opposed to this blog entry if I wasn't under Craig's spell myself. 27" LCD TV for $150! HOLY CRAP! You are the MAN CRAIG!

BROB said...

I think my life must be missing something really exciting. Turn me on to Criag.

lil jay said...

you guys are weird, he he he.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.