Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Vagrant's Life

peripatetic - adj. wandering

Kyle and I have decided that we will need to move once our lease is up in October. We love our place now, but we just won't be able to afford it once I go back to school full-time. That will make wherever we live next the 7th place, 4th city, and 2nd county we've lived in less than 4 years. I am a constantly peripatetic soul.

It's funny too, because I was a Navy brat growing up and HATED moving. I seriously loathed it. I would leave little random notes around my parents' bedroom protesting impending moves, hoping that somehow this method would impel them to change their mind and decide not to uproot my life for yet another move. In the end, I suppose one could say that it helped me to build resilience to change over time. However, I also think it may have damaged me socially. To the point where I could never maintain any friendships because by the time I got into the being invited to sleep over stage I would be off to the next city and a new life.

Right before we got married, we experienced a variety of events that convinced us to move from L.A. to San Diegoo, including slashed tires on both of our cars, me working 100+ hour workweeks and coming home crying, and the ultimate deciding factor being the flood in our apartment building that destroyed our unit. It was then that we decided that God was sending us a message to jump ship. Much like he did with Noah and the great flood. Okay, maybe it was way different, but you get what I'm saying.

Also, right before we got married, we thought San Diego would be a great place for us to settle down and start a family, particularly since my whole family had migrated down here. There are many things I love about San Diego - the weather, the way that traffic is a billionth less crazy than what it was in L.A., and of course being close to my family is nice. But before I moved, I remember talking to some of my friends who had moved from San Diego to L.A. and I recalled them saying that everyone in San Diego is very much about SAN DIEGO. I didn't quite get what they meant at the time, but boy, now I really understand. Not only are San Diegans proud to be from here, many of them HATE L.A. and everything that comes from it. Unfortunately, I come from L.A. Really, I don't think there is anything wrong with being proud of where you are from. But what's funny is when I hear people say that the reason San Diegans don't like L.A. is because people from L.A. think that San Diego is just an extension of L.A. Um, I totally never thought that! I always thought that San Diego was a distinctly different place from L.A., and even Orange County is a completely different place in between. I just think there is no need for all of this hatred in the world. This type of San Diego-centricism if you will is almost akin to the egocentric attitude of Americans who think there is no other country but America. Let's just all get along people.


lissa said...

Hello there.. I've been a lurker at your site for a short while and I just wanna say that I feel the same way about Sacramento (where I currently live). Actually, NorCal folks in general hate SoCal (a.k.a. Los Angeles). I'm originally from Southern CA and I can see both sides. I like living here but I'm more accustomed to the lifestyle in SoCal. Also, Sacramento folks are proud of their area. It becomes more apparent when basketball season comes too cause we're SO NOT Kings fans. hehehe.. Sorry I wrote a long essay but just wanted to comment.

lil jay said...

Welcome to Cheryl's world lissa, he he he.

Dang Cheryl, you even have lurkers =p

But dude, that's a ton of moves. You've moved more times in the past 2 years than I have in my entire life I think. But hopefully you guys find a nice place. Cic and I will definitely have to visit you and Kylito again soon.

LA RULES!!! And here here to American-centricism. I saw it a lot when I was in europia.

chersdyls said...

I heart lurkers! I'm flattered you take time to read my ramblings. Man, now the pressure to be interesting is really on! :)

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