Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Red Lobster for the Sea World Lover in You

impecunious – adj., having little or no money

For Mother’s Day, Kyle and I went to Sea World with my mom and dad. Before we left, I sparingly lathered on some sun block over my body and face. Call me a bad wife, but I neglected to tell Kyle to do the same. I think I had thought about it, but then figured eh, he doesn’t usually like to put on sun block anyway. Our friend Craig who lives on a boat NEVER wears sunscreen, and inevitably at the end of a sunny day he looks like he is wearing full on makeup. I’m talking blush, lipstick, the whole nine yards.

So of course by the end of our trip to Sea World I had sunburn splotches randomly in areas where I did not cover, and Kyle had a lovely raccoon face burn. Seriously, for all the times in our lives when we get sunburn, do we never learn? I’m going out today to buy a tube of sunblock to carry in my purse. I call Kyle my lobster. I love that episode of “Friends”. “He’s her lobster!”

Well, I haven’t posted in a while so I’ve gathered up some random thoughts over the past week that I’ll bestow upon you now.

Cell Phone Calling

You know how you can tell when you call people on their cell phones if the call is going through or if their cell phone is off? If it’s off, you go straight to voice mail, but if it’s on and they just aren’t answering, it rings and rings. I know you’re there damnit! The only exception (I think) being when they don’t have reception. Lately I feel like I’m the person that calls but nobody wants to pick up. I called 5 people in a row recently and each time it rang until I went to voice mail. I started developing a complex about it. It seems like we’ve become a society that is becoming increasingly dependent on e-mail to keep in touch. The problem with e-mail is that, if you’re like me, messages tend to get buried in my in-box in between e-mails from travelocity telling me about the great deal on a European vacation that I'll never be able to afford and the paranoid chain letter e-mails about bad luck that I never forward. In between those e-mails somewhere is an actual message from a friend, and eventually I forget if I’ve responded to them or not. So I end up being that bad friend that doesn’t e-mail back. That must be why nobody takes my phone calls! I have to admit though, I've also become very reliant on corresponding with people via e-mail. I think I'm lacking in conversational skills as a result. I hardly ever call people just to talk now - I only have conversations to make plans. Anyway, kudos to the handful of you who always seem to pick up your phone when I call no matter what. To Kyle (you’d better!), Sarah, Jay, Angie, and MaryAnn – you make me feel special. :)

Eating Out

Lately Kyle and I have been trying to avoid becoming impecunious, so we’ve cut back dramatically on our eating out sessions. So now when we do eat out, I try to make the most of it and order something I’m really going to like. The problem with that is, now I’m also trying to eat healthier after last week’s drinking/greasy food binge. Last night we went to Baja Fresh. I ordered a mahi-mahi salad, but I didn’t realize that the dressing it comes with is an avocado pico dressing. I’m allergic to avocados. Not a develop a puffy face type and break out into hives allergic but the type of allergic that can cause you to go through 2 rolls of Charmin in one night. Maybe it’s not really an allergy, but whatever, that’s what I call it. Instead of using the dressing, I doused my salad with the spicy salsa they have. Not a good idea. It didn’t make it taste any better. The whole time we were eating I was staring at Kyle’s Chicken Ultimo Burrito with envy. I need to figure out where my line is between being able to enjoy good food but not gaining a million pounds to do so. It might be time to break out the Weight Watchers journal again.

I have more thoughts somewhere in my little brain, but it’s the middle of the day on a Wednesday and I’m getting too tired to pull them out. I’ll try writing more later.


Laughing Fool said...

You have a big brain.

cici said...

aw that's so sweet

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