Tuesday, May 30, 2006


insularity - adj. narrow mindedness, isolated

So how do you like my new blog template? I think the dots are cute. I was getting tired of the plain grey. Why is grey/gray spelled two different ways? That's always confused me. Also, I think you can spell cancelation with one l or two. I've always been a stickler for spelling - probably harks all the way back to the hours of preparation I endured for my 3rd grade spelling bee. I ended up spelling "kindergarten" wrong (with a d instead of a t). But really, did placing 3rd in the spelling bee end up helping me to be a more successful career woman in the long run? I know people who can't spell for the life of them, but thanks to the modern day miracles of spell check they are making tons more money than I ever will.

Memorial Day weekend was the bomb dot com man! Kyle and I have been guilty of insularity within a 10 mile radius of our apartment ever since we moved to San Diego, so we are really clueless when it comes to all the fun things to do in San Diego. So this weekend I busted out my nerdy tourist book, the San Diegan, and we took advantage of the glorious weather and the fact that everyone and their mother was visiting San Diego for the long weekend, and we ended up traipsing around all over the county from downtown to Carlsbad, Old Town to Temecula. It was really fun! We got to see Jay and Cicely on Saturday AND Sunday, so they were probably so glad to get back to L.A. and get rid of us, but we wanted to spend as much time as possible with them considering they got ENGAGED!!! Yep, they made Kyle and I feel like big a-holes because we went to meet them at their hotel, and they totally didn't even tell us right away. After about 30 minutes, Cicely practically had to shove the ring in my face until I realized what was going on. You would think I would've caught on considering the fact that Jay had a big vase full of flowers with him and he was acting really funny. Anyway, I am so happy for them and can't wait to initiate them into the old married people club (but don't worry guys, I'll ALWAYS be older than you!).

Also got to hang out with Kristine. Kristine is so fun, always makes me smile when I get to see her. Found out that she reads the same reality show blogs as I do. I love how she is not afraid to confess her nerd like (aka Cheryl-like) tendencies to me. Although I probably just transmitted my nerd-itis on to her through repeat exposure.

Ahhh, I love 3-day weekends.

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