Friday, May 19, 2006

Random Friday Thoughts

Can I just tell you how much I heart Rachael Ray? She is just so amazing with her user friendly recipes and effervescent personality. I know some people find her annoying, but the fact that she has probably made me a much better cook than I used to be is reason enough to make her good in my book 4 eva. I totally want her job too. I can't imagine anything better than getting paid to eat and travel.

Remember slam books? Those were so fun. I'm sure there is an online version somewhere. If anyone finds one, let me know.

I have a major dilemma next Wednesday. The American Idol finale vs. the Lost finale. I know I will have to watch Lost out of default because that's what Kyle will want to see on the big TV. Not that I'm complaining, but since we don't have Tivo or DVR and we don't know how to operate our VCR, I won't be able to see any of the AI finale. I probably won't even get to see the important part where they reveal who wins, since the Lost finale is supposed to be the best thing ever aired on TV, and I'm sure we'll be on the edge of our seats until the very last minute. Oh, what to do, what to do? Curse you ABC & Fox for putting me at such a crossroads!

You know how people say you should put thoughts of work in an imaginary "box" when you go home so your professional life doesn't intrude on your personal life? I am so not good at doing that. Lately work has even encroached into my dreams. One of our clients is a hotel downtown, and last night I dreamt I was staying there to do research on downtown. Oh, and I've been waking up at 2:30am like clockwork every night and having trouble going back to sleep. I really think I've got some anxiety issues going on. Somebody get me Dr. Phil's number!

I am so glad I am not in the dating world anymore, because I cannot stand cologne. There is only one kind that I actually sort of like, which I got a bottle of for Kyle, but even that cologne I can only take in small doses. Have you ever been in a room with someone who wears entirely too much cologne? The other week I was in a meeting with someone who positively reeked of the stank stuff, and I was sure that I was going to pass out at any moment. Luckily I escaped just in time. Seriously man, how can anyone pour that stuff on themselves and think themselves sexy to the opposite gender (or same gender, whatever the case may be)? That's why I just don't buy those Axe commercials. Sure it's a deodarant, not cologne, but I just prefer the smell of nothing to that of musk. Gag.

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