Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Reductus Brain Cells

I told Kyle this morning that I think I have some sort of mental disorder that causes me to forget entire conversations I have with people. Seriously, it's very scary, plus it makes it hard to be a good friend when you make plans that you never remember. My dad calls it CRS (Can't Remember Shit) when he refers to my mom, which is very un-PC considering her medical history, and I wouldn't even find it mildly amusing were it not for the fact that my mom herself thinks it is the most hilarious thing she's ever heard. That plus the fact that my dad CGS (Couldn't Give a Shit) about being PC. This, after all, is the man who not only leaves his cell phone on while watching a movie in a theater full of people, but he straight answers it and has a full on lengthy conversation with the person on the other end of the phone in his normal talking voice. Ah, dad, gotta love him!

I used to think I was a good listener, but now one of two things has happened. Either a) Somewhere in my old age and hermit like state I have lost my listening skills, or b) I'm just plain losing it. I almost prefer the latter since option a) makes me out to be a lazy person. Actually, more like a lazy friend. I know I'm lazy in many aspects given the fact that 99.99% of my life outside of work is spent watching TV on the recliner couch, but I've always taken some sort of pride in considering myself a good friend who is willing to go above and beyond for those I love.

So to my friends who are always patiently enduring my constant brain farts, I say thank you.

Oh, one thing I have not forgotten is my vocab words, but having to look up vocab words for every post is discouraging me from blogging when I feel like it, so I'll have to make it an occassional thing. I guess I am just a CRS riddled lazy ass.

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