Thursday, June 01, 2006

The San Diego Reader

agog - adj. eager, excited

Now that we've come to the end of new primetime programming, I've taken up reading to pass the time. Nothing too heavy, I must ease back into it seeing as how it's been a good couple of months since I've picked up a book. Kyle is a voracious reader. He burns through about 100 books a month. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it seems like he is always reading several different books at one time. I, on the otherhand, am agog if I read one book in a month. There was one girl I used to work with who said she hasn't read a book in something crazy, like 5 years. Reading is a sadly underutilized and overlooked form of entertainment in our society. Even when I don't like a book, I enjoy passing the time just reading. Case in point, the book I am reading right now was very kindly loaned to me from an acquaintance. It's a fluffy chick book, which normally I am all about, but for some reason this book just doesn't do it for me. The characters aren't too likeable, the plot is kind of all over the place, but you know what? I still read it just to find out what happens in the end. I'm trying to pick out the good things in it instead of focusing on the bad. I'm the eternal reading optimist, hoping that somehow the ending will redeem the entire week I have invested into this so-so story. After all, the opportunity cost for reading this novel equates to some juicy Laguna Beach repeats so it better be worth it!

1 comment:

lil jay said...

I love reading...I wish I could read more...but time is always my foe. But i'm weird, I like re-reading books a lot, and people always make fun of me for that...but that's like why you buy DVD's to watch them over again, or else you shouldn't buy them. I've read harry potter a whopping 5 times...the entire series!

Right now, I'm re-reading Da Vinci Code cuz Cic is reading it and I can't watch it til she's done...

But I do have a few books lined up.