Monday, June 12, 2006

Passive Agressive or Overly Sensitive?

You know what drives me crazy? When people try to get all passive agressive on your ass. I don't know if I'm being overly sensitive or what (entirely possible), but it just seems to me that I have recently been over-exposed to passive agressive behavior indirectly targeted at me. Why do people feel the need to sneakily attempt to make you feel like crap? The worst part is that passive agressive behavior by it's very nature is a way for someone to hide their insults to you in a way that doesn't SEEM like they are insulting you, so they inevitably cannot be proven to be the bad guy, and if you try to approach them about it they make you seem like you are crazy. I don't know, if anyone is out there reading this, please tell me if you think the below comments are passive agressive insults (names of the accused passive agressivers, heretofore known as PA's, are being withheld out of respect in case comments have been misinterpreted by overly sensitive blogger):

Scenario #1: Discussing a new home purchase of a relative of PA.

PA: As soon as I saw this home I knew it was perfect for him/her. It is just so beautiful!
Me: Yeah, I love it! The kitchen is awesome, and it is the perfect set up for him/her.
PA: tell me again, are you still RENTING (change in intonation at the mention of RENTING).
Me: Oh, yeah (mumbling something about going back to school, can't afford to buy, etc.)

Scenario #2: Discussing pregnancy of PA.

PA: I'm growing out of my clothes, so do you think I could borrow some of your old clothes to use as maternity wear?
Me: I don't think it's very nice to ask someone to use their clothes as maternity wear.
PA: Well, if I was a size 8 and someone else I knew was a size 2, I wouldn't mind it if they asked me for their clothes.
Me: Oh. (I'm not a size 8)

It's really hard to convey this type of behavior if you aren't actually there, but it could also be the result of me feeling sensitive about things like money or my weight. Particularly since I just found out I have a medical condition that makes it difficult for me to break down certain types of food in my body, so my weight can fluctuate quite a bit if I'm not careful. Anyway, Kyle thinks I'm crazy half the time because I think about these things too much. Good thing I have a blog to vent on.

Sorry to be Negative Nelly today, it's been a particularly rough day. I'll try to post happy thoughts again soon.


Laughing Fool said...

I don't think you are crazy, I just don't like to see you sad.

cici said...

dude both those comments would have pissed me off too! wtf!