Sunday, April 30, 2006

Aw Yeah!

The Lakers are back baby! I am so jealous that Jay got to go the Friday game AND the crazy one today. There is nothing better than an adrenaline filled Laker playoff game at the Staples Center, topped off with delicious delicious bacon wrapped hotdogs. Aahh, those bacon wrapped hotdogs bring back some great L.A. memories, most of them involving late night states of intoxication. My favorite being the night of my 28th birthday party at White Lotus, when Kyle was so tanked he bought 12 bacon wrapped hotdogs for 5 people. And we wonder why he has such high cholesterol.

No vocab word today, I just wanted to post about how happy I am that it looks like we'll get to see the Lakers advance another round in the playoffs. Woop de woop!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Weighing In

obsequious - adj. too eager to obey or serve (a.k.a. KISSING ASS)

Ugh. My "loose jeans" totally feel tight on me. This after a week where I vowed to eat primarily fruits and veggies and I did my first form of exercise in months. Our office just started doing lunch time yoga classes in the backyard. We work out of a huge Victorian historic home so it's a pretty nice environment to do your warrior poses and downward dogs in (haha, that just sounded wrong).

Kyle doesn't understand why I stress about weight so much. Honestly, I know I'm pretty lucky in that I don't fluctuate too dramatically when it comes to weight. I just keep telling him, "You don't understand because you aren't a girl!" When I turned 30, it was like I stopped caring so much about what other people think about me, in all aspects except for weight. I know you ladies can relate to me, so to the guys reading this you'll have to either bear with me or I'll try to make it up to you another day by writing about the Lakers or something.

Don't you hate it when you see someone who you haven't seen in a while, and you get the feeling that she is analyzing you, trying to assess whether you've gained or lost weight? Maybe it's my paranoid mind working in overdrive, but I swear that there are some people I just dread running into because I know I'll get the old look up and down. I'm not just talking friends either, it happens with family members, co-workers, acquaintances, etc. I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself in the past, but knowing how it feels I have consciously reformed my ways. I still remember the time when I was at work in the lunch room at my last job, and I was reading an article in Cosmopolitan magazine about Oprah or something. One of the articles on the cover was something to the effect of "How to Lose 10 Lbs. in 10 Days", and one of my co-workers walked right up to me and said, "Oh, are you learning about how to lose extra weight? Here's what you should do..." and she proceeded to list different ways I could shave off my excess flabbinesss. Seriously, without me even saying one word about trying to do that! I was so devastated, and obviously still traumatized to this day. I do not try to lose weight because I'm trying to attract men - I'm a married woman! I do it so that I don't have to worry about other women criticizing my lifestyle.

So to all of you ladies out there, I'm not trying to be obsequious, but listen to Dove and know that we are beautiful in all shapes and forms. I've gotta try to start taking my own advice.

This does not by any means translate into me giving up the food I like in order to look like Nicole Richie. My love for chocolate and carbs far outweighs my self consciousness about what people think about my weight. :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

From Britney to Celine

equanimity - n. calmness of temperament

I had a moment of enlightenment the other day - an epiphany if you will - that reminded me that I am no longer a spring chicken anymore. You see, it is common knowledge that I have always been a fan of pop music, dating back to the time I purchased my very first New Kids on the Block tape. Yes, I said TAPE - although they had graduated to CDs by the time "Step by Step" came around from what I remember. Needless to say, I've always been a listener of the Top 40 variety, until recently, when I realized that the DJs only ever talked about hooking up and dating problems. Things I totally do not relate to, seeing as how I've been with Kyle ever since I was practically wearing a training bra.

So, I decided to switch to a station that plays what's known in the media buying world as "Soft Adult Contemporary" music, meaning lots of slow songs from the 80's and 90's. To my delight, I discovered that they play all my favorite karaoke songs, from "Wind Beneath My Wings" to "Can You Feel the Love Tonight". Cheesey, I know. But now I get to sing to myself at the top of my lungs in the car and pretend that I am an undiscovered talent in the world of music. Christina Aguilera ain't got nothing on me! Another bonus of this station is that they broadcast the cheapest gas prices in San Diego twice every hour. Seeing as how I was raised by a father who maintains a mental catalogue of the gas stations with the lowest prices across the entire state of California, this is exciting news. Literally, my dad will tell you to drive 20 miles out of your way to fill up on a gas station priced 5 cents lower than the one down the street from your house (thus defeating the purpose of the lower gas price, but I think it's more a matter of principal with him). My dad does not show equanimity when it comes to talking gas. "What, you paid $3.12 for gas? TERRIBLE! The Arco on Winchester & Valley Parkway only charges $3.07. You should've gone there!"

Anyway, I was excited to share this new source of cheap gas information with my dad when I saw him the other day, only to discover that he was already tuned into the station in his car.

Me: "Oh dad, do you listen to this station because they tell you where the lowest gas prices are?"
Dad: "No, I just like the music!"

I officially have the same music taste as my parents. Next thing you know I'll be posting up at Pechanga and hitting up the buffets on a daily basis.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


ascetic: adj.; practicing self denial; stark

HAPPY 35TH ANNIVERSARY MOM & DAD! Here's to 35 more years of corny jokes and Scrabble tournaments.

Allow me to pay homage to one of my most favoritest places in the world. Yes ladies, I know you know what I'm talking about - it's the almighty TARGET! I used to get so excited every time I went that I would have to go to the bathroom as soon as I walked through the sliding glass doors. Just the sight of those glorious red shopping carts all lined up in a row had me running to the nearest ladies room. However, I quickly discovered the one major drawback of Target. That would be the not so clean bathrooms. So now I've trained myself to have some control so as not to mar the joyous occassion that is a trip to Target.

I was quite proud of myself for having ascetic restraint last night and only spending $25 there. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've gone to Target and spent less than $50. They are so smart to put everything you could have ever wanted and more in one place. Remember when Mossimmo used to be an overpriced store in South Coast Plaza? Well, gone are the days when I could not even afford to purchase one Mossimmo sock. Now you can get a Mossimmo dress, jacket, and even a pair of sassy shoes to complete your outfit for less than the price of one of those said socks in days gone by.

The $1 section is insane yo! Who knew you could buy so many things for a mere 1/3rd of the cost of a gallon of gas? Lately I've been having this problem where I confuse my dishes sponges with my counter sponges, and I was thinking it would be great to get a couple of sponge dishes to distinguish the two. Well lo and behold, what do you think I found in the $1 section last night? Sponge dishes AND a pair of kitchen tongs that I have been in desperate need of. I must have been a good girl this year, because Santa Target just sent me some early Christmas presents!

If heaven were a place on Earth, I think it would have to be Disneyland with a Target planted firmly in the middle of Downtown Disney. But not one of those two story Targets, those are just too complicated for me. I like the idea of being able to wander the aisles without having to worry about which floor I need to hit up for my Herbal Essences shampoo. Ooh, or better yet, what if "It's a Small World" floated you right through the Target aisles at the end? They have taken to putting their Disney souveneir stores at the end of each ride so that poor parents like Cheryl and Chris have to practically blindfold their kids in order to avoid spending their life savings on princess figurines and such. I think Disney would love my idea - somebody get Robert Iger on the phone!

Monday, April 24, 2006

The Sky is Falling!

gaucherie: n.; socially awkward; tactless behavior

What a bee-yoo-tiful day it is today! It's days like these when I really miss my little red VW convertible Cabriolet that I could drive around with the top down.

So Kyle has lately been obsessed with this psychic guy, Edgar Caycee. They did a History Show special on him the other day which I, of course, slept through (I am completely powerless against that recliner couch, I tell you), but Kyle stayed up and watched all the way until the show ended at 10:00.

Side Bar: There must be something in our marriage license saying that we can't stay up past 10:30, because ever since we got married I cannot for the life of me stay up beyond that time.

Anyway, back to the psychic. Apparantly he and multiple dudes with prophetic powers have predicted that the world is going to come to an end in the year 2012. This is all Kyle has been able to talk about. I for one, believe that ignorance is bliss, so I would have been happy to not know that information at all. But now that I do, I feel the need to share with all of you because for some reason, I feel much more comforted knowing that we will be harboring this knowledge of the end of the world together. I apologize if some of you view this as a form of gaucherie on my part, but darnit, it makes ME feel better!

My reality show options are slowly dwindling. First the end of Project Runway, now the Next Food Network Star is over. I was happy that Guy won because I voted for him. Kyle makes fun of me because yes, I do cast votes for shows such as American Idol, the Next Food Network Star, and you can bet I'm getting my dialing fingers ready for So You Think You Can Dance. Get out and vote y'all!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Such a Premium Dancer

febrile - adj.; feverish

Have you seen that movie, "Everything is Illuminated"? My favorite quote: "All the ladies want to get carnal with me because I am such a premium dancer." That pretty much describes Kyle last night at Jen and Josh's wedding. There is something that comes over him whenever he gets near the dance floor at a wedding. His body suddenly takes over and he is thrown into a state of febrile gyrations as he transforms into a dancing fiend right before your very eyes. If any of you single folks ever invite him to your wedding in the future, tell the videographer to keep an eye out for Kyle and his mad skills.

The wedding was really beautiful, bride and groom were glowing with happiness. The cutest part was when Josh was repeating his vows after the minister, and one of the lines was "as we join together in our bond of everlasting love", Josh looked at Jen and said "evalasting looove". Such an adorable couple!

Friday, April 21, 2006


suppliant: adj. entreating, beseeching

Holla! Happy Friday everyone! The weather has been beautiful all week long and now today it's cloudy and yucky. I'm going to a Padres game tonight and an outdoor wedding tomorrow - hope the weather comes through for me, the Padres, and the bride (congrats Jen Lemoine!).

David e-mailed me from London and I got to thinking about all the fun things I miss about living there. One of the things I loved most was the way everyone greeted you with, "Hello, love!". I don't know why, it just made me feel happy inside. But you know if I tried to say it it would just sound lame. I don't have that cool British accent to back it up with. For some reason, British accents make things sound so much more cool and more intelligent. Also, they make for better acting. Kyle and I were watching the Chronic-WA-cles of Narnia, and a quarter of the way through the movie I turned to him and said, "Is it just me, or are these kids really bad actors?" You know they've gotta be really bad if it even shows through their British accents! Not that I think I could do any better, but come on - they must have auditioned a bazillion kids for those roles and those were the best they could find? Now those Harry Potter kids, they are good.

By the way, I'm loving the comments you guys are sending out so I implore you to heed my suppliant plea to keep 'em coming! That would have sounded really cool if I had a British accent, trust me.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


quotidian: adj. daily, commonplace, customary

Do you ever look around when you're in your car and snoop at people when they don't think anyone else sees? I don't do it that often, but I see the funniest things when I do. Like last night, I was stopped at a light on the corner of Mira Mesa Blvd. and Camino Santa Fe, right next to an L.A. Fitness. For some reason, I felt the urge to look over into the big window where the aerobics room is. First of all, I am a firm believer in not working out in a gym where the whole world can see you. Windows in gym should be an illegal concept. Who wants to be subject to public viewing when you've got sticky hair and pit stains, and who is even interested in looking at that shizz? Well, apparantly I am because there I was spying on a group of Filipino moms and dads, looking like they were practicing the cha-cha. Probably for some kid's debut. Filipino parents live for that stuff man. I remember my debut, and it was more like my mom's coming out party then mine. All I wanted to do was bump some Boyz II Men, when my mom insisted on having her AND ALL HER FRIENDS out there doing the Kadal Blelah. At the time I was really embarrassed, but now that I think about it I should have appreciated the cultural aspect of it more.

So to whatever 18 year old Filipino young lady it is whose mom and dad are gathering their friends at the L.A. Fitness during all hours of the night to practice a dance for your party, I say rock with it. Just remember that your parents are embarrassing you because they love you.

I'm off to get my hair cut. Of course my hair looks like crap on a quotidian basis, and today when I'm about to get it cut I get a bunch of compliments on it, making me not want to cut it. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Reality Check

stentorian: adj. extremely loud

Anyone who knows me in the slightest is aware of what a reality show junkie I am. It all started with the Real World (thanks to Nina for the introduction) and just spiraled from there. So we must talk American Idol.

Kyle and I were mortified last night to hear Ace sing, of all things, our wedding song. Why oh why did he have to pick "That's All" out of all the thousands of songs he probably could have chosen?! Ugh, the guy is just too cheesey for me. Sure, he's good looking, but I'd take Taylor or Elliot over him any day. I am a huge Taylor fan. Even Kyle's admitted that he would be curious to hear his CD if he released one. That's the highest compliment Kyle would ever give an Idol contestant.

And how excited am I that "So You Think You Can Dance" is coming back? Love that show! I let out a stentorian cheer last night when the commercial came on during Idol. I am going to be in TV heaven in May. Nobody call me between the hours of 8-9p on Tuesdays or Thursdays. You've been warned.

Another thing I feel compelled to warn you about - do not try fat free vanilla yogurt. It's the grossest thing I've ever had, right up there with my polenta/kidney beans/spinach experiment. Ick.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Kevin + Bean = :p

vagary: n. caprice; whim

One of the things I miss most about living in L.A. was being able to listen to Kevin & Bean in the morning. Even though L.A. morning traffic can be/is horrendous, having them along for the AM commute almost made me look forward to the drive (almost, but not quite). I just haven't been able to find any morning shows in San Diego that come close to the brilliance that is Kevin & Bean. Thanks to Joon-dawg, I have recently become privvy to a blog that streams K&B so on slow days at work I get to catch up on all the latest happenings in lala land.

The other day I was listening and Ralph casually mentions something about his wife. What?! Ralph has a wife?! I thought he was intent on being a lifelong bachelor. I felt like I had been stranded on a desert island somewhere, only to return and find that the world had turned upside down on it's head all while I was wasting away my days climbing trees and gathering coconuts. Now I know how Mike Seaver felt when he stayed home sick from school and discovered that Gilligan's Island reruns still aired even when he wasn't home to watch them.

By the way, did you notice that 3 out of my 5 last posts were all about food? I knew I had an obsessive relationship with food, but it's sort of hard to see it laid out in black and white for you.

I've decided on a vagary to get my hair cut this Thursday.

See, this is why I don't use advanced vocabulary words! They just don't sound right!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Chocolate & Coffee, Here I Come!

I think I'm going to start a new thing where I post a new vocab word every day. I took the GRE not that long ago, and I still have stray notecards floating around my purse, my car, and all over the apartment. I'd say I've already forgotten about 75% of what I studied, so maybe I'm hoping that the information on those notecards will be transferred back to my brain somehow if I keep them around long enough. You know how Starbucks has all those flash cards around their store to promote that new movie, Akeelah & The Bee? I wish they had those when I was studying for the GRE because I spent most of my studying time at Starbucks.

Today's Vocab Word is: SUCCOR (no, not that kind of "sucker")
Meaning: verb; aid;assist; comfort

So boys and girls, let's try to use the word SUCCOR in context today. You can impress your friends, family, and people at work with your expansive knowledge of vocabulary words.

After giving up chocolate and coffee for Lent, my tastebuds are happy to welcome back the glorious return of delicious white chocolate mochas and Milano cookies. Oh how I've missed you chocolate and coffee. Easter was fun, just hung out with Mom and Dad and the rest of the family in Fallbrook. Our holidays always seem to consist of eating exorbitant amounts of food and sitting around the TV watching a Laker game. It's funny how the things I used to find embarrassing about my parents are now just so hilarious to me. I think I'm becoming more and more like them in my old age, hence the evolving appreciation for corny jokes. Here's a rundown of a few of the highlights from yesterday:

Dad: "Are you getting sleepy from the turkey? You must be taking a trip to Japan." (get it? trip to Japan = tryptophan)

Upon discussing past seasons of American Idol, Cathee says: "Is William Hung still..."
Mom: "Hung?"
Cathee & Cheryl: "MOM!!"
Kyle & Mike trying to hide their laughter behind mouthfuls of turkey.

Every time mom does something dad doesn't like he screams in a high-pitched voice, "Ay, MOMMY! What are you doing?" Then two seconds later they are cracking up about some other corny joke. Okay, it doesn't sound that funny, but it's funny when it happens every single time we see them, like clockwork.

Peace out everyone, hope this post helps to succor you through your work day.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Dim Sum and Then Some

Kyle and I hit up our favorite San Diego dim sum restaurant, Jasmine, for some oh so delicious dumpling gloriousness. There's nothing better than the sight of steam rising from hot plates as they get carted around right to your table.

Except I have to say, a dim sum trip with me is not the most relaxing experience.

Half the time I spend with my neck craned out as far as it can go, searching for the lady with the best cart in order to flag her down before she gets accosted by some neighboring table that takes all of the best stuff so that by the time she gets to us our only option is chicken feet. Which is what happened to us today. All I wanted was a plate of gailan (Chinese broccoli). I was so excited to see a cart stacked with two rows of freshly steamed gailan as it came out of the kitchen, just one row down from us. I watched, mouth drooling, as the cart rolled down the first aisle, and with anticipation got ready to flag the waitress down as soon as she made her way over to us, when to my horror, she proceeded to skip our aisle and headed straight to the next. 15 minutes and five rejected dim sum carts later, she slowly rolled over to Kyle and I with one last plate ready for the taking when the family of 6 next to us pounced and took it from right under my nose! Finally she approached Kyle and I with her offering of chicken feet, and when I asked about more gailan coming out she snapped that it would be 10 more minutes until the next round was ready. Doh!

You see, in my estimation, there are five key plates that make a perfect dim sum trip:

1. Gailan - The one true healthy thing that provides a key balance of nutrition, not to mention tastes damn good.
2. Sui mai - The old stand by.
3. Har gow - See #2.
4. BBQ Pork Bao - No other bao will do!
5. Custard tarts - The piece d' resistance to round out the meal. If you've never had this creamy custard combined with crispy tart crust, you do not know what you're missing. Seriously!

Can you tell I'm a little fanatic about my food? It's weird, I think I've always been extremely particular about having just the right combination of flavors with every meal. Maybe dim sum style eating isn't for me, since I can never get all of the above five dishes at the exact time I need them. But that doesn't mean I'm going to give it up, I love it too much to do that. I have a master plan. Next time I'm going to have the waitress seat us right next to the kitchen so I get to be the person that steals all the best stuff while the poor saps in the next aisle look on with envy.

Mwwahahahaha. My plan to take over dim sum restaurants is slowly but surely unfolding before your very eyes.

How does being a dim sum waitress work anyway? Do they get a commission for every plate they sell? Because they sure are pushy with those things sometimes. No ma'am, I do not want that plate of turnip cake, thank you. If they do work for commission, do you have to start at the chicken feet and work your way up? I always feel guilty when I say no to somebody's dim sum cart, like I just turned them down for a date or something.

You don't have to say anything, I know I'm overthinking this whole thing.

Friday, April 14, 2006


Just got back from a station event where I got to see Jewel perform. And I have to say - WOW! She sounds even better in person than she does on the radio! I used to know this guy in college who claimed to know Jewel when she was still living out of her van in San Diego. According to him, she got really full of herself once she hit it big.

All I can say is, if I could sing like that I just might be one cocky bitch myself.

Somebody I was with took pictures, so I'll try to post those if I ever figure out how.

Happy Easter everyone!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tapatio makes everything better

Last night I made the worst meal ever. And that's saying a lot considering that Kyle and I eat pretty much everything. I was trying to be healthy, but this meal just added to my negative perception that healthy = so not delicious. Picture a kidney bean, spinach, and polenta concoction. What the heck is polenta anyway? I think it's some weird corn meal concoction. I still remember the first time I ever had polenta. It was in college, when I went on a San Francisco trip with David, Kathy, and Daphne. We were at some shi-shi restaurant (Started with a Z - Za Zou?), I think in the Castro District. The snotty waiter so did not want to be serving a bunch of fresh faced teenage kids. I think I was the one who asked what polenta was, and with a look of disdain he explained the concept of polenta to me.

Flash forward back to last night's polenta surprise meal. After a few gross mouthfuls of the grainy mush, Kyle and I were desperate to find something to make it taste close to good. So we added Tapatio. It really does improve the taste of anything in my opinion. I decided to make a quesadilla, and in the interest of saving food I proceeded to fill it with the polenta, spinach, and kidney bean craziness.

How gross am I?! Thank you Tapatio!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Taking the Plunge!

So this blog thing...

First of all, I have to thank Jay and Cicely for inspiring me to start this (they have the funniest blogs, you should check them out). For the past few days I've been like a freakin' crack addict reading blogs all day long (in my spare time I mean, as I would never think to do such a thing during work hours). I've been thinking about starting a blog for the longest time. When I was a kid, I used to keep a journal..religiously. Then when I hit high school it became much more sporadic, and once college hit the only time I really kept any record of my life was when I traveled. Um, do I know where those journals are now? Not really.

So now I'm just going to lay all my thoughts online for the world to see for all of eternity. Or maybe just my 10 friends to see for as long as they find it interesting - two weeks, a month tops. In any case, I think the main thing that's been holding me back is this paranoia I have that someone someday is going to read something I write here and use it against me. Yeah, that's the sick way my mind works! Like one day I'm going to walk into work and they're going to say, "I'm sorry Cheryl, you're fired because we read on your blog entry on 4/12/06 that you have been wasting time at work looking up random blogs." Because we all know that nobody ever surfs the internet at work. By the way, is there some new term for "surfing the internet" that I should know about? Because that just seems like a pretty antiquated term, and I feel like I'm pretty much out of it when it comes to the latest slang. I still think "the bomb" is cool to say.

I had the hardest time coming up with a title to this blog. I think "I'm laughing at myself" is a pretty appropriate one. I try really hard most of the time to not think about myself - not to make it sound like I think I'm the most selfless person in the world, it's just that I'm pretty much uncomfortable with thinking or talking about me, and thus not too introspective. I guess it's pretty ironic that I started a blog. But I digress. I would say 75% of the time when I do think about myself, it's to laugh at something I did, thought, or said. Today it would be when I took a trip down to the shady 7-11 down the street from my work just to get a straw and then felt obligated to buy some candy in order to get it for free. I stood there and stared at those damn slurpee straws for a good five minutes, debating whether or not I should just try to take one and run. Finally I decided to do the honorable thing and I grabbed a pack of Twizzlers (to be used as whiskers for an Easter Bunny cake I'm planning to make). By the time I got to the cash register, a nice line had formed and more people were filing up behind me. My mind started racing - would I hold up the line with my request for a free straw, thus inciting a riot with Corn Nuts and Ciabatta sandwiches being thrown around? Palms sweating, I approached the cashier, held out the straw and said, "I just need this straw - and I'm buying Twizzlers too, is it okay?". She took one look at me and the hardcore thug standing behind me, gave me a smirk and said, "Well yeah, that's easy."

Crisis avoided.