Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Kevin + Bean = :p

vagary: n. caprice; whim

One of the things I miss most about living in L.A. was being able to listen to Kevin & Bean in the morning. Even though L.A. morning traffic can be/is horrendous, having them along for the AM commute almost made me look forward to the drive (almost, but not quite). I just haven't been able to find any morning shows in San Diego that come close to the brilliance that is Kevin & Bean. Thanks to Joon-dawg, I have recently become privvy to a blog that streams K&B so on slow days at work I get to catch up on all the latest happenings in lala land.

The other day I was listening and Ralph casually mentions something about his wife. What?! Ralph has a wife?! I thought he was intent on being a lifelong bachelor. I felt like I had been stranded on a desert island somewhere, only to return and find that the world had turned upside down on it's head all while I was wasting away my days climbing trees and gathering coconuts. Now I know how Mike Seaver felt when he stayed home sick from school and discovered that Gilligan's Island reruns still aired even when he wasn't home to watch them.

By the way, did you notice that 3 out of my 5 last posts were all about food? I knew I had an obsessive relationship with food, but it's sort of hard to see it laid out in black and white for you.

I've decided on a vagary to get my hair cut this Thursday.

See, this is why I don't use advanced vocabulary words! They just don't sound right!

1 comment:

lil jay said...

YAY! you get to listen to Kevin and Bean now! :)