Friday, April 28, 2006

Weighing In

obsequious - adj. too eager to obey or serve (a.k.a. KISSING ASS)

Ugh. My "loose jeans" totally feel tight on me. This after a week where I vowed to eat primarily fruits and veggies and I did my first form of exercise in months. Our office just started doing lunch time yoga classes in the backyard. We work out of a huge Victorian historic home so it's a pretty nice environment to do your warrior poses and downward dogs in (haha, that just sounded wrong).

Kyle doesn't understand why I stress about weight so much. Honestly, I know I'm pretty lucky in that I don't fluctuate too dramatically when it comes to weight. I just keep telling him, "You don't understand because you aren't a girl!" When I turned 30, it was like I stopped caring so much about what other people think about me, in all aspects except for weight. I know you ladies can relate to me, so to the guys reading this you'll have to either bear with me or I'll try to make it up to you another day by writing about the Lakers or something.

Don't you hate it when you see someone who you haven't seen in a while, and you get the feeling that she is analyzing you, trying to assess whether you've gained or lost weight? Maybe it's my paranoid mind working in overdrive, but I swear that there are some people I just dread running into because I know I'll get the old look up and down. I'm not just talking friends either, it happens with family members, co-workers, acquaintances, etc. I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself in the past, but knowing how it feels I have consciously reformed my ways. I still remember the time when I was at work in the lunch room at my last job, and I was reading an article in Cosmopolitan magazine about Oprah or something. One of the articles on the cover was something to the effect of "How to Lose 10 Lbs. in 10 Days", and one of my co-workers walked right up to me and said, "Oh, are you learning about how to lose extra weight? Here's what you should do..." and she proceeded to list different ways I could shave off my excess flabbinesss. Seriously, without me even saying one word about trying to do that! I was so devastated, and obviously still traumatized to this day. I do not try to lose weight because I'm trying to attract men - I'm a married woman! I do it so that I don't have to worry about other women criticizing my lifestyle.

So to all of you ladies out there, I'm not trying to be obsequious, but listen to Dove and know that we are beautiful in all shapes and forms. I've gotta try to start taking my own advice.

This does not by any means translate into me giving up the food I like in order to look like Nicole Richie. My love for chocolate and carbs far outweighs my self consciousness about what people think about my weight. :)

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