Friday, April 21, 2006


suppliant: adj. entreating, beseeching

Holla! Happy Friday everyone! The weather has been beautiful all week long and now today it's cloudy and yucky. I'm going to a Padres game tonight and an outdoor wedding tomorrow - hope the weather comes through for me, the Padres, and the bride (congrats Jen Lemoine!).

David e-mailed me from London and I got to thinking about all the fun things I miss about living there. One of the things I loved most was the way everyone greeted you with, "Hello, love!". I don't know why, it just made me feel happy inside. But you know if I tried to say it it would just sound lame. I don't have that cool British accent to back it up with. For some reason, British accents make things sound so much more cool and more intelligent. Also, they make for better acting. Kyle and I were watching the Chronic-WA-cles of Narnia, and a quarter of the way through the movie I turned to him and said, "Is it just me, or are these kids really bad actors?" You know they've gotta be really bad if it even shows through their British accents! Not that I think I could do any better, but come on - they must have auditioned a bazillion kids for those roles and those were the best they could find? Now those Harry Potter kids, they are good.

By the way, I'm loving the comments you guys are sending out so I implore you to heed my suppliant plea to keep 'em coming! That would have sounded really cool if I had a British accent, trust me.

1 comment:

cici said...

hahaha dude cheryl you're freakin hilarious! those vocab words seriously have me laughing out loud at work.

suppliant actually sounded pretty normal; those flashcards really work!