Monday, April 17, 2006

Chocolate & Coffee, Here I Come!

I think I'm going to start a new thing where I post a new vocab word every day. I took the GRE not that long ago, and I still have stray notecards floating around my purse, my car, and all over the apartment. I'd say I've already forgotten about 75% of what I studied, so maybe I'm hoping that the information on those notecards will be transferred back to my brain somehow if I keep them around long enough. You know how Starbucks has all those flash cards around their store to promote that new movie, Akeelah & The Bee? I wish they had those when I was studying for the GRE because I spent most of my studying time at Starbucks.

Today's Vocab Word is: SUCCOR (no, not that kind of "sucker")
Meaning: verb; aid;assist; comfort

So boys and girls, let's try to use the word SUCCOR in context today. You can impress your friends, family, and people at work with your expansive knowledge of vocabulary words.

After giving up chocolate and coffee for Lent, my tastebuds are happy to welcome back the glorious return of delicious white chocolate mochas and Milano cookies. Oh how I've missed you chocolate and coffee. Easter was fun, just hung out with Mom and Dad and the rest of the family in Fallbrook. Our holidays always seem to consist of eating exorbitant amounts of food and sitting around the TV watching a Laker game. It's funny how the things I used to find embarrassing about my parents are now just so hilarious to me. I think I'm becoming more and more like them in my old age, hence the evolving appreciation for corny jokes. Here's a rundown of a few of the highlights from yesterday:

Dad: "Are you getting sleepy from the turkey? You must be taking a trip to Japan." (get it? trip to Japan = tryptophan)

Upon discussing past seasons of American Idol, Cathee says: "Is William Hung still..."
Mom: "Hung?"
Cathee & Cheryl: "MOM!!"
Kyle & Mike trying to hide their laughter behind mouthfuls of turkey.

Every time mom does something dad doesn't like he screams in a high-pitched voice, "Ay, MOMMY! What are you doing?" Then two seconds later they are cracking up about some other corny joke. Okay, it doesn't sound that funny, but it's funny when it happens every single time we see them, like clockwork.

Peace out everyone, hope this post helps to succor you through your work day.

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