Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tapatio makes everything better

Last night I made the worst meal ever. And that's saying a lot considering that Kyle and I eat pretty much everything. I was trying to be healthy, but this meal just added to my negative perception that healthy = so not delicious. Picture a kidney bean, spinach, and polenta concoction. What the heck is polenta anyway? I think it's some weird corn meal concoction. I still remember the first time I ever had polenta. It was in college, when I went on a San Francisco trip with David, Kathy, and Daphne. We were at some shi-shi restaurant (Started with a Z - Za Zou?), I think in the Castro District. The snotty waiter so did not want to be serving a bunch of fresh faced teenage kids. I think I was the one who asked what polenta was, and with a look of disdain he explained the concept of polenta to me.

Flash forward back to last night's polenta surprise meal. After a few gross mouthfuls of the grainy mush, Kyle and I were desperate to find something to make it taste close to good. So we added Tapatio. It really does improve the taste of anything in my opinion. I decided to make a quesadilla, and in the interest of saving food I proceeded to fill it with the polenta, spinach, and kidney bean craziness.

How gross am I?! Thank you Tapatio!

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